This is a repository of common configurations and scripts used in projects for Meta.


Before installing, please sync any useful changes that have recently been made to projects that depend on this repo. Otherwise it partially defeats the point of having a central repo template.

Include this in a project via Composer with something like this in your composer.json file:

	"repositories": [
			"type": "vcs",
			"url": ""
	"require-dev": {
		"wporg/wporg-repo-tools": "dev-trunk"



This scripts provides a quick way to copy the configs in this repo into the correct places in a project, as well as sync changes to them when this repo is updated.

When this repo is included in a project via Composer, you can run the following command:

TEXTDOMAIN=wporg composer exec update-configs copy/update the config files. Replace wporg if the project uses a different text domain. Any config file that already exists will trigger a prompt asking if you want to replace it.