
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Word Sense Disambiguation

This repository contains all code utilized for developing, training and testing the DeBERTa, RoBERTa and BERT-WWM models.

You will need to install the dependencies as follows:

$ poetry install

The datasets for training can be acquired from here and the evaluation datasets can be downloaded here.

It will be assumed that the datasets were downloaded into train and test respectively.

Project Architecture

├── colour_logging.py
├── datagen
│   └── dataset.py
├── dataset_statistics.ipynb
├── main.py
├── modelling
│   ├── collator.py
│   ├── metrics.py
│   ├── model.py
│   └── trainer.py
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
├── README.md
├── saliency_lit.ipynb
├── saliency_own.ipynb

Generating Datasets

This can be done by executing the datagen module with

$ poetry run python main.py datagen

Flag list:

Usage: main.py datagen [OPTIONS]

  transform datasets into a format compatible with the MLMs

  -ds, --dataset PATH             path to tokens and lemmata in XML
  -gs, --gold-standard PATH       path to gold standard  [required]
  -hm, --hf-model [bert-wwm|roberta|deberta]
                                  supported huggingface models  [required]
  -op, --output-path PATH         path to output file  [required]
  -tr, --train-dataset PATH       Path to a training dataset from which to
                                  extract sense key ids (switches to test
                                  dataset generation mode)
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Training Dataset

$ poetry run python main.py datagen \
    -ds train/WSD_Training_Corpora/SemCor/semcor.data.xml \
    -gs train/WSD_Training_Corpora/SemCor/semcor.gold.key.txt \
    -hm roberta \
    -op dataset/roberta+semcor.pickle

Because the datasets generated also perform all necessary preprocessing by invoking each model's tokenizer, the -hm or --hf-model flag must be used to instantiate the correct tokenizer. The command above will create two datasets in the dataset folder. The first one is a file called dataset/roberta+semcor.pickle containing the merged data and gold standard files. The second one is huggingface dataset, stored in a folder called dataset/roberta+semcor.hf.

Test Dataset

poetry run python main.py datagen \
    -ds test/WSD_Unified_Evaluation_Datasets/semeval2013/semeval2013.data.xml \
    -gs test/WSD_Unified_Evaluation_Datasets/semeval2013/semeval2013.gold.key.txt \ 
    -hm roberta \
    -op dataset/roberta+semeval2013.pickle \
    --train-dataset dataset/roberta+semcor.pickle

To generate a good test dataset, the --train-dataset is required to point to a training dataset, so that classification can be performed correctly.


This can be done by executing the modelling module with

$ poetry run python main.py modelling
Usage: main.py modelling [OPTIONS]

  train and test models

  model: [mutually_exclusive, required]
                                  select model to work with
    -hm, --hf-model [bert-wwm|roberta|deberta]
                                  supported huggingface models
    -lm, --local-model DIRECTORY  path to locally stored model
  workload: [mutually_exclusive, required]
                                  training or testing
    -tr, --train FILE             path to training set
    -te, --test FILE              path to test set
    -op, --output-path PATH       Where to store result  [required]
    -fm, --freeze-model           Freeze LM model parameters while training
    -e, --epoch INTEGER           how many epochs to train for
    --run-name TEXT               Name to be used to identify run in result
    --metric-file TEXT            File to write metrics
    --help                        Show this message and exit.

Model Selection

Our script offers two ways of loading models; either the model is available from huggingface, or is locally stored at a known path. For the former, we support loading BERT-WWM, RoBERTa and DeBERTa from the huggingface website using the --hf-model flag. For the latter, locally stored (probed or fine-tuned) instances can be loaded using the --local-model flag.


Specify the --train flag to point at a training dataset generated using the previously mentioned steps for dataset generation. You must specify a dataset created for the model referenced with one of the model flags (--hf-model or --local-model). Despite passing only one filepath, both the huggingface dataset and the pickled dataset will be loaded.

Passing this flag prohibits you from passing the --test flag; this will have to be done in the next command.


  1. Downloading RoBERTa, using the SemCor training dataset, probing for 10 epochs, and storing the result:
$ poetry run python main.py modelling \
    --hf-model roberta \
    --train dataset/roberta+semcor.pickle \
    --freeze-model \
    --epoch 10 \
    --output-path models/probed-roberta+semcor-e10
  1. Loading a previously probed instance of RoBERTa, using the SemCor training dataset, fine-tuning the model for 5 epochs, and storing the result:
$ poetry run python main.py modelling \
    --local-model models/probed-roberta+semcor-e10 \
    --train dataset/roberta+semcor.pickle \
    --epoch 5 \
    --output-path models/finetuned-roberta+semcor-e5


Specify the --test flag to point at a testing dataset generated using the previously mentioned steps for dataset generation. You must specify a dataset created for the model referenced with one of the model flags (--hf-model or --local-model).

  1. Loading a finetuned instance of RoBERTa for testing upon the SemEval2007 evaluation corpus
$ poetry run python main.py modelling \
    --local-model models/finetuned-roberta+semcor-e5 \
    --test dataset/semeval2007.pickle \
    --output-path models/eval/finetuned-roberta+semcor-e5 \
    --run-name ft-roberta+semeval2007 \
    --metric-file out/eval/metrics.pickle