
Gihub action to publish MkDocs documentation to Atlassian Confluence Cloud wiki.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Confluence Docs as Code Action

This Action publishes your MkDocs documentation to your Atlassian Confluence Cloud wiki.


  • Publishes only new or changed pages
    • Optionally force update all pages
    • Force update all pages on new major/minor release
  • Converts internal links to Confluence links
  • Uploads images as Confluence page attachments
  • Converts fenced code blocks to Confluence code macros
  • Renders graphs:
  • Add a common prefix to all page titles
  • Restricts page update to confluence_user


  • Does not fully support nesting in the nav section of the MkDocs Configuration, flattens all pages to one level.
  • Does not publish pages not described in the nav section.


In order to use this action to your repository you need to meet the following requirements.

MkDocs Configuration

Your repository is expected to include an mkdocs.yml configuration file (in the root dir) with the following settings:

  • site_name
  • repo_url
  • nav
site_name: Fixture Site Name
repo_url: https://github.com/fixture-account/fixture-repo

  - Page title: page.md
  - Some other page title: other-page.md
  - Yet an other page title: more/page.md

For more MkDocs configuration options check out the official documentation.

Atlassian Confluence

In order for the action to be able to publish your documents to a Confluence space you need to create an API token for a user with read/write access to that space.

It is highly recommended that you create a dedicated (robot) user just for this purpose.

Refer to Atlassian documentation on managing API tokens.



Required. Typically this is your is your organization name that is used as a subdomain to your Atlassian cloud url, for example if your Atlassian url is https://my-organization.atlassian.net use my-organization as confluence_tenant


Required. The key of the space that will host your documentation. If your space has an auto-generated key, navigate to your space an you can find it in the URL on your browser's location.

For example if your space URL is: https://my-organization.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~55700475998cb3f40a

Use ~55700475998cb3f40a as your confluence_space.


Required. The username of the user that will be used to publish to Confluence (see also Atlassian Confluence section)


Required. The API token of the user that will be used to publish to Confluence (see also Atlassian Confluence section)


Optional. The title of an existing page in the same Confluence space to be used as a parent for your documentation.

For example if your space has a page with title "My Documentation" and you want to use it as the parent for your published documents, then set confluence_parent_page to 'My Documentation'


Optional. When set, this prefix will be prepended to all confluence page titles except your root page which is titled according to the site_name in your MkDocs configuration.

For example, if you have a page with title 'My Page' and the confluence_title_prefix is set to 'FOO:' then the page will be created to confluence with the title 'FOO: My Page'.

This could be useful in cases that you want to publish multiple repos to the same confluence space, which requires each page title to be unique.


Optional. When set to yes all pages will be published to confluence including those that have not changed. Can be handy when used with the workflow_dispatch event as shown in the example usage below.


Optional. When set to yes all pages will be deleted from confluence. Can be handy when used with the workflow_dispatch event as shown in the example usage below.

kroki_enabled (Deprecated)

Optional. When set to yes enables rendering of Mermaid and PlantUML graphs into images (.png) via Kroki.io service.

Defaults to yes.

⚠️ Will be removed in future releases in favour of the more fine-grained mermaid_renderer and plantuml_renderer options below.


Optional. When set this host is used as a kroki server instead of the default one. See kroki docs on how to setup a local kroki instance.

Defaults to https://kroki.io


Optional. Can be one of:

⚠️ If not explicitly defined, falls back to kroki_enabled option in order to provide backwards compatibility


Optional. Can be one of:

  • 'none': will not render
  • 'kroki': will use Kroki.io to render as png
  • 'plantuml': will use plantuml.com to render as png

⚠️ If not explicitly defined, falls back to kroki_enabled option in order to provide backwards compatibility

Example usage

# File: .github/workflows/publish_to_confluence.yml

name: Publish MkDocs to Confluence

      - master
      - "docs/**"
      - mkdocs.yml
        description: 'Force update all pages (yes/no)?'
        required: false
        default: 'no'
        description: 'Delete all pages (yes/no)?'
        required: false
        default: 'no'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Source
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Publish to Confluence
        uses: Workable/confluence-docs-as-code@v1.5.0
          confluence_tenant: 'Your Confluence Account Name'
          confluence_space: 'The Confluence Space Key'
          confluence_user: ${{ secrets.CONFLUENCE_USER }}
          confluence_token: ${{ secrets.CONFLUENCE_TOKEN }}
          confluence_parent_page: 'The title of the page to use as parent' # Optional
          confluence_title_prefix: 'My Prefix:' # Optional
          confluence_force_update: ${{ github.event.inputs.confluence_force_update }} # Optional
          confluence_cleanup: ${{ github.event.inputs.confluence_cleanup }} # Optional
          kroki_enabled: 'no' # Optional
          kroki_host: 'https://kroki.io' # Optional
          mermaid_renderer: 'none' # Optional
          plantuml_renderer: 'none' # Optional