
A collection of helpful utilities for use in JavaScript projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status

Workiva Common JavaScript Utilities

Common JavaScript functionality for all Workiva applications.

Consuming This Library

  • Distribution is through bower. Don't forget to add the version to the end of the URL!
# install bower if you haven't already
$ npm install -g bower

# install this package
$ bower install git@github.com:Workiva/wf-js-common.git#{version}
  • In your requirejs configuration, ensure the following config exists for both wf-js-common and its dependencies:
    paths: {
        'wf-js-common': 'path-to-bower_components/wf-js-common/src/',
        bowser: 'path-to-bower_components/bowser/bowser',
        modernizr: 'path-to-bower_components/modernizr/modernizr'
    shim: {
        modernizr: {
            exports: 'Modernizr'

Development: Getting Started

# clone the repo
$ git clone git@github.com:Workiva/wf-js-common.git
$ cd wf-js-common

# install global tools if you haven't already
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g grunt-cli

# run init script
$ ./init.sh

The init script will initialize your local environment and ensure that you have all global and local dependencies installed.

Quality Assurance

For Developers

To get started developing:

# ensure everything is working when checking out a new branch:
$ grunt qa

# setup lint and test watches and serve as you develop:
$ grunt dev
For QA

There's a special grunt task for you! It will:

  • lint the code
  • run the tests
  • report on code coverage
  • generate the API docs
  • open the project web site so you can get going fast!
$ grunt qa

You should run this every time you checkout a branch. It will do everything to get you going.

Project Structure

  • bower_components libraries distributed by Bower
  • docs project design and API documentation
  • node_modules libraries distributed by NPM
  • out output from build tasks
  • src source files
  • test test files
  • tools supporting tools for code quality, builds, etc.

Managing Dependencies

Familiarize yourself with the package managers we use:

  • NPM manages Node dependencies.
  • Bower manages web dependencies (like jquery, lodash, etc.).

Development: Process

This project uses wf-js-grunt. Please see that repo for more information.