
WorkplaceX.org application framework to Build CRM and ERP like systems with ASP.NET Core and Angular.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

WorkplaceX Framework

Build Status (github actions)

Build Status (travis)

Framework to create database applications based on Angular 11, Bootstrap, Bulma, ASP.NET Core 6.0 and SQL Server. Runs on Windows and Linux. Provides CI/CD pipeline.

Project page: WorkplaceX.org

Getting started

Prerequisites for Linux and Windows

Create new project in empty folder (for Linux use ./cli.sh instead of /.cli.cmd)

# Install WorkplaceX cli into an empty folder
npx workplacex-cli new

# Build everything
./wpx.cmd build

# Set database connection
./wpx.cmd config connectionString="Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ApplicationDoc; User Id=SA; Password=MyPassword;"

# Deploy database
./wpx.cmd deployDb

# Start application
./wpx.cmd start

# Open browser to http://localhost:5000/

# Stop server on Linux
killall -g -SIGKILL Application.Server


All configuration (DEV, TEST, PROD) is stored in file ConfigCli.json. Runtime configuration is automatically extracted and copied into ConfigServer.json.

More templates

Project Folder and File Structure

  • "Application/" (Application with custom business logic in C#)
  • "Application.Cli/" (Command line interface to build and deploy in C#)
  • "Application.Cli/DeployDb/" (SQL scripts to deploy to SQL server)
  • "Application.Database/" (From database generated C# database dto objects like tables and views)
  • "Application.Doc/" (Documentation images)
  • "Application.Server/" (ASP.NET Core to start application)
  • "Application.Website/" (Angular application)
  • "Framework/Framework/" (Framework kernel doing all the heavy work)
  • "Framework/Framework.Cli/" (C# Command line interface to build and deploy application)
  • "Framework/Framework.Doc/" (Documentation images)
  • "Framework/Framework.Test/" (Internal C# unit tests)
  • "ConfigCli.json" (Configuration file used by Application.Cli command line interface)
  • "ConfigServer.json" (Generated configuration used by Application.Server web server)


Some versions to check:

node --version

npm --version

dotnet --version

ng --version
Angular CLI: 13.1.2

For Windows:

git --version
git version 2.34.1.windows.1

Major  Minor  Patch  PreReleaseLabel BuildLabel
-----  -----  -----  --------------- ----------
6      2      3


Checklist to update framework to latest .NET, Angular, Bootstrap, Bulma: Update