
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The ewoc_s1 python package provide the python cli and API to process Sentinel-1 L1 GRD to the EWoC ARD format.


To generate EWoC ARD, the ewoc_s1 CLI perform the following tasks:

  • Read or retrieve inputs S1 product ID from CLI arguments or from the worplan file
  • Retrieve the SRTM 1s data from ESA Website or creodias data bucket or ewoc bucket (on aws or creodias)
  • Download the S1 product ID from * creodias or aws s3 bucket * from api thanks to EODAG and ewoc_dag if needed
  • Perform S1 calibration and projection to S2 grid thanks to S1Tiling
  • Perform the same operation with thermal noise removal deactivated to identify no acquisition data and to follow snap convention about thermal noise
  • Format to EWoC ARD format
  • Upload to EWoC ARD s3 bucket




To download and upload data you need to configure some env variable from ewoc_dag
as described here <https://github.com/WorldCereal/ewoc_dataship#usage>.

You need also to set the path to the dem id database via the environment variable EWOC_S1_DEM_DB


The package provides one CLI command:

  • ewoc_s1_generate_s1_ard which have two sub-commands:
   ewoc_generate_s1_ard -h

* sub command *prd_ids* allow to run the processing on a list of S1 product ID
   ewoc_generate_s1_ard prd_ids -h

   ewoc_generate_s1_ard prd_ids s2_tile_id \
                            S1_PRD_ID_1 \

* sub command *wp* which allow to run the processing with input a EWoC workplan
ewoc_generate_s1_ard wp -h

ewoc_generate_s1_ard_wp /path/to/workplan.json
If you add the -v option the CLI will output the end of the processing. If not only a print
statement is done.

Python API

You can run the following code on your own python code to generate the S1 ARD.

from ewoc_s1.cli import generate_s1_ard_from_pids

nb_s1_ard_files, s1_ard_s3path = generate_s1_ard_from_pids(['S1_PRD_ID_1','S1_PRD_ID_2',], 'S2_TILE_ID', production_id='prod_id')