
Python smbclient wrapper

Primary LanguagePython

Python smbclient wrapper.

This is a wrapper that works by running the "smbclient" subprocess and providing an API similar to the one provided by python os module.

It is an ugly hack, but it is here for anyone that finds it useful.

The programmer before me was using a "bash" file with lots of smbclient calls, so I think my solution is at least better.

Usage example

>>> smb = smbclient.SambaClient(server="MYSERVER", share="MYSHARE", 
                                username='foo', password='bar', domain='baz')
>>> print smb.listdir("/")
[u'file1.txt', u'file2.txt']
>>> f = smb.open('/file1.txt')
>>> data = f.read()
>>> f.close()
>>> smb.rename(u'/file1.txt', u'/file1.old')


Creating the object

import smbclient
smb = smbclient.SambaClient(server, share, username=None, password=None,
                            domain=None, resolve_order=None, port=None, ip=None,
                            terminal_code=None, buffer_size=None,
                            debug_level=None, config_file=None, logdir=None,
                            netbios_name=None, kerberos=False)

If you want to use kerberos authentication just use the argument kerberos=True and you don't need to pass username and password.

Supported methods of operation

chmod(path, *modes)
      Set/reset file modes
      Tested with: AHS
      smbc.chmod('/file.txt', '+H')
       Closes the connection, flushes and closes all open remote files.
      Fetches information about a volume
      Fetches information about a file
      Returns True if path exists in the remote host

      Returns True if path is a directory/folder

      Returns True if path is a regular file

      Lists a glob (example: "/files/somefile.*")
      returns a list of tuples in the format:
      [modes, size, date), ...]((filename,)

      Lists a directory
      returns a list of tuples in the format:
      [modes, size, date), ...]((filename,)

      Emulates os.listdir()

      Creates a new folder remotely

      Removes a remote empty folder

open(path, mode='r')
      Opens the file indicated by path and returns it as a file-like object

rename(old_name, new_name)

      Fetches the volume name

      Fetches the volume serial

unlink(path) or remove(path)
      Removes/deletes/unlinks a file
download(remote_path, local_path)
upload(local_path, remote_path) 
upload_update(local_path, remote_path)

netsend(destination, message)
      Sends a message, using netsend