
Rebindings to vim like applications for colemak

Primary LanguageVim Script


I call this the "give me h, j, k and l back but don't screw around with much else" mapping. Most keys are in their colemak positions, few are in qwerty and only one is in neither.

Keys in qwerty position

  • h, j, k, l - colemak h, n, e and i: movement.
  • n - colemak k: next search result.
  • N - colemak K: previous search result.
  • i - colemak u: go to insert mode.
  • I - colemak U: go to insert mode at begging of current line.
  • u - colemak l: undo.
  • U - colemak L: undo on current line.
  • ctrl-j - colemak ctrl-n: enter.

Keys in neither qwerty nor colemak position.

  • j - qwerty e: cursor to end of word.
  • J - qwerty E: cursor before next non-whitespace word.

This is an unfortunate logistical necessity. All other keys are in colemak position.


git clone git://github.com/tuxjay/colemak .colemak

Add to .vimrc: source ~/.colemak/vimrc

Add to .zshrc: source ~/.colemak/zshrc

Add to .pentadactylrc/.vimperatorrc: source ~/.colemak/vimrc

Add to .muttrc: source ~/.colemak/muttrc

Add to .tmux.conf: source-file ~/.colemak/tmux

Remap less: lesskey ~/.colemak/less