
How pophealth handle QRDA/CCDA File

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Question :1
Same Patient with different visit with different Provider
Scenario: 1
I have a Patient "XYZ" who was taken care by two provider each document with different visits.

"Provider A" document result 9 for lab HGBA1C for patient "XYZ" in Encounter Date : 01/01/2017
now "Provider B" document result 7 for lab HGBA1C for patient "XYZ" in Encounter Date : 09/12/2017

Now I upload two files QRDA Cat 1 of that Patients having different providers Data.
how the pop health handle the above scenario when the above scenario execute ?

Question :2
how pop health being identify the patient is same ?

When both Provider A and B are of same healthcare institutions, then ?