WorldWind Community Edition
WorldWind Explorer, WorldWindKotlin, WorldWindAndroid, WorldWindJS and WorldWindJava community edition programming resources
Pinned Repositories
WorldWindExplorer: A 3D virtual globe geo-browser app framework based on WorldWindJS, Bootstrap and KnockoutJS. Includes 3D globe and 2D map projections, imagery, terrain, markers, plus solar and celestial data.
The Wildfire Management Tool - WMT (v2.0) - a geo-browser that provides weather and fire behavior forecasts to ensure the safefy of firefighters and effective use of resources
Geo-browser web app using the Web WorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA and ESA with React and Bootstrap 4
A React component for interacting with the Web WorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA and ESA
React UI components for the Web WorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA and ESA made with Bootstrap 4
A template for creating a WorldWInd GeoBrowser web app with Bootstrap and Knockout. Includes support for WorldWind with 3D globes and/or 2D maps, configuring and managing layers and settings, place name searches, creating markers, going to locations, and multi-globe support
The WorldWind Android "Community Edition" SDK (WWA-CE) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building 3D virtual globe applications for phones and tablets.
A community supported fork of the NASA WorldWind Java SDK (WWJ) is for building cross-platform 3D geospatial desktop applications in Java.
WorldWindJS is a community maintained fork of the WebWorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA - an interactive 3D globe library featuring maps, imagery and terrain plus 2D map projections.
The WorldWind Kotlin SDK (WWK) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building multiplatform 3D virtual globe applications for Android, Web and Java.
WorldWind Community Edition's Repositories
The WorldWind Kotlin SDK (WWK) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building multiplatform 3D virtual globe applications for Android, Web and Java.
WorldWindExplorer: A 3D virtual globe geo-browser app framework based on WorldWindJS, Bootstrap and KnockoutJS. Includes 3D globe and 2D map projections, imagery, terrain, markers, plus solar and celestial data.
A community supported fork of the NASA WorldWind Java SDK (WWJ) is for building cross-platform 3D geospatial desktop applications in Java.
A React component for interacting with the Web WorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA and ESA
WorldWindJS is a community maintained fork of the WebWorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA - an interactive 3D globe library featuring maps, imagery and terrain plus 2D map projections.
Geo-browser web app using the Web WorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA and ESA with React and Bootstrap 4
A template for creating a WorldWInd GeoBrowser web app with Bootstrap and Knockout. Includes support for WorldWind with 3D globes and/or 2D maps, configuring and managing layers and settings, place name searches, creating markers, going to locations, and multi-globe support
The Wildfire Management Tool - WMT (v2.0) - a geo-browser that provides weather and fire behavior forecasts to ensure the safefy of firefighters and effective use of resources
The WorldWind Android "Community Edition" SDK (WWA-CE) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building 3D virtual globe applications for phones and tablets.
React UI components for the Web WorldWind virtual globe SDK from NASA and ESA made with Bootstrap 4
Home for the WorldWind Explorer and WorldWindJS library, plus NASA WorldWind resources.
ArcGIS data from the NASA RECOVER project displayed in NASA WorldWind
WorldWindEarth Project Website
MIL-STD-2525 B and C rendering library and web service
MIL-STD-2525 symbol rendering library
MIL-STD-2525 symbol rendering JavaScript library for modern web applications