
BigBlueButton Conferences Streaming Platform - PeerTube Streaming Manager

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

BigBlueButton Conference Streaming Platform

Starts and Stops BigBlueButton LiveStream containers.


Install nodejs dependencies:

$ npm install

Configure BigBlueButton API URL and corresponding secret, Peertube RTMP Server Hostname, NodeJS bind address and port in ./config.js - use ./config.js.sample:

$ cp config.js.sample config.js
$ vi config.js

Start API server:

$ node workers/index.js

Setup your webserver. DocumentRoot should point to the ./static subdir. Webserver should deal with authenticating users however you would see fit.

Define your own API_HOST, API_PORT and API_PROTO in ./static/js/backend.js - use ./static/js/backend.js.sample. Those would be loaded by clients, and should point them to our NodeJS API server:

$ cat static/js/backend.js.sample
$ cat <<EOF >./static/js/backend.js
var API_HOST = 'abc.example.com';
var API_PORT = 443;
var API_PROTO = 'https';

See https://github.com/Worteks/bbb-ansible for playbooks deploying BigBlueButton, Peertube, and BigBlueButton Conferences Streaming Platform.