
Example docker-compose file for SA-MP servers using a MySQL database


Example docker-compose file for SA-MP servers using a MySQL database.

Command to start all services at once

docker-compose up

Commands to enter running containers

docker exec -it samp bash
docker exec -it samp_db mysql -u root -p


Add a bind mount to the samp_db service for a file called init.sql, that populates the database with data on initialisation.

    - ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql

Add a bind mount to the samp_db service for a directory called sql, so that the database storage files are stored in this directory instead of letting docker generate a directory to store the data.

    - ./sql:/var/lib/mysql

Expose port 3306 for the samp_db service to allow connections form outside the container, so that external applications (e.g. a web server) can access the database.

    - "3306:3306"