
Simultaneous decision and response in a collective system using swarm robotics and collective decision making in a fire evacuation scenario

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simultaneous decision and response in a collective system using swarm robotics and collective decision making in a fire evacuation scenario.


sudo apt install cmake libfreeimage-dev libfreeimageplus-dev \
qt5-default freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev liblua5.3-dev \

ARGoS installation:

Download the appropriate ARGoS package for your system here and follow the installation instructions. Afterwards continue with these steps. You can optionally execute the following 3 commands, to give the simulator GUI a proper desktop desktop icon:

sudo chmod o+w /usr/local/share/applications/argos3.desktop
echo "Icon=gnome-robots.png" >> /usr/local/share/applications/argos3.desktop
sudo chmod o-w /usr/local/share/applications/argos3.desktop

Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/WoutProvost/simultaneous-decision-and-response
cd simultaneous-decision-and-response


mkdir frames logs build
cd build
cmake ..

Plot application installation:

sudo cp src/plot/coldecplot /usr/local/bin
sudo cp ../src/plot/autocomplete.sh /etc/bash_completion.d/coldecplot
sudo cp ../src/plot/coldecplot.desktop /usr/local/share/applications
sudo cp ../src/plot/coldecplot.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1
sudo gzip -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/coldecplot.1

Seed application installation:

sudo cp src/seed/coldecseed /usr/local/bin
sudo cp ../src/seed/autocomplete.sh /etc/bash_completion.d/coldecseed
sudo cp ../src/seed/coldecseed.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1
sudo gzip -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/coldecseed.1


argos3 -c ../experiments/fire_evacuation.argos
man coldecplot
man coldecseed

Run experiments in bulk:

cd ../experiments
for f in *.argos; do coldecseed -n 30 "$f"; done
nohup parallel --delay 0.5 argos3 -c {1} ::: *.argos &

Show results in bulk:

cd ../logs
for f in *.csv; do coldecplot "$f"; done


Controller appearance params:

  • leds_color: Defaults to black.
  • debug_show_preference: Defaults to false.

Controller movement params:

  • max_velocity: Defaults to 10.0.
  • max_heading_angle_for_no_turn: Defaults to 10.0.
  • min_heading_angle_for_hard_turn: Defaults to 90.0.
  • random_turn_ticks:
    • A value of 0 disables turning to a random direction after a configured amount of ticks.
    • Defaults to 100.

Controller collision_avoidance params:

  • max_angle_between_heading_and_obstacle: Defaults to 5.0.
  • max_obstacle_proximity: Defaults to 0.1.

Temperature sensing controller decision_strategy params:

  • mode:
    • Mode plurality uses the exit with the most votes as long as there is no ex aequo.
    • Mode majority uses the exit with more than 50% of the votes.
    • Mode quality uses the exit with the best average quality as long as there is no ex aequo.
    • Mode random uses the exit of a random neighbor.
    • Defaults to none.
  • check_for_fire_criticality:
    • Doesn't support multiple fires when disabled.
    • Defaults to true.

Gate gripping controller reaction_strategy params:

  • min_agreement_percentage: Defaults to 0.8.
  • min_duration_ticks: Defaults to 300.

Loop functions nest params:

  • size:
    • The value is a list of 2 widths, one for each dimension, separated by a comma.
    • Defaults to 15,15.

Loop functions heatmap params:

  • tiles_per_meter: Defaults to 6.
  • max_temperature:
    • Maximum of 255, since the grayscale color range and UInt8 range is [0, 255].
    • Defaults to 255.
  • debug_mode:
    • Mode gradient is useful to show the whole temperature range in terms of steps.
    • Mode resolution is useful to show how large the tiles are compared to the robots.
    • Defaults to none.
  • debug_use_colors:
    • The simulation only works with grayscale, so make sure to disable color after debugging.
    • Defaults to false.

Loop functions fire params:

  • sources: Defaults to 1.
  • positionX:
    • The X can be a number from 1 to the amount of sources.
    • Each source can be controlled independently by its own attribute.
    • The value is a list of 2 nest coordinates separated by a comma.
    • If the value provided is outside the nest, the source falls back to a random position in the nest.
    • For a nest size of e.g. 15 meters along one axis, the valid range is [-7.5:7.49] and not [-7.5:7.5].
    • Defaults to a random position in the nest.
  • circle_radius: Defaults to 3.0.

Loop functions log params:

  • file: Defaults to ../logs/log.csv.
  • disable: Defaults to false.

User functions divider params:

  • enable_horizontal: Defaults to true.
  • enable_vertical: Defaults to false.

Plot application uninstallation:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/coldecplot
sudo rm -rf /etc/bash_completion.d/coldecplot
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/applications/coldecplot.desktop
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/man/man1/coldecplot.1

Seed application uninstallation:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/coldecseed
sudo rm -rf /etc/bash_completion.d/coldecseed
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/man/man1/coldecseed.1