
Larsoft Analyzer module for prototyping ideas and new functions.

Primary LanguageC++

ProtoTyping UPS product

Collection of LarSoft analysers to test out things. This is a stand-alone ups-like product, that is tested and working in Uboonecode v08_00_00_12 and higher.


Charged current neutrino selection using advanced slice neutrino ID and pandora consolidated reconstruction.


This analyser stores PMT and TPC information and is used to run on CORSICA and BNBext files. It includes reco-truth matching for both slimmed and non-slimmed files. Momentum of tracks is stored using MCS. Flashes are stored for all combnations of op/simple reconstruction and cosmic/beam discriminators. Truth level information is stored of all MC particles above 100MeV, crossing or not crossing the TPC.

CosmicStudies: CRTstudies

Module to store the CRThit info in data and MC


Contains filelists of different samples and fcl file to run over them. The fcl file combine the two analysers (CosmicStudies and CRTstudies) in one project. A set of xml files to run over MC and BNB extrenal are provided.


For further questions: woutervdp@g.harvard.edu

Setup instructions

setup uboonecode v08_00_00_12 -q e17:prof
mrb newDev

From now on, always do:

source /uboone/app/users/xxxx/Binaries/Uboonecode/ubc_v08_00_00_12/localProducts_larsoft_v08_05_00_04a_e17_prof/setup
setup ninja v1_8_2

When initiating a new interactive session.

Go to srcs directory:

mrb g larpandora
cd larpandora
git checkout origin/wvdp_larpandora_overlay_v12

cd ..
mrb g ubcrt
cd ubcrt
git checkout origin/mstancar_crtreco_tag_v08_00_00_12

mrb g ubreco
cd ubreco
git checkout origin/wvdp_improved_cuts_and_chi

git clone https://github.com/Wouter-VDP/ProtoTyping.git
mrb uc

Try to compile for the first time, go to the build directory and do:

mrb uc
mrb i --generator=ninja

For compilation after this first time, do inside the build directory:

ninja install