
A 'Free Animation' assignment for Intro to Computer Graphics course

Primary LanguageC++


A 'Free Animation' assignment for Intro to Computer Graphics course.

This is a short animation I made for my Introduction to Computer Graphics course. It was created using OpenGL/C++.

Note: None of the models were made in an external modeling package. Everything is modeled out of primitive shapes- cubes, planes, spheres, and cylinders. This was part of the requirements of the assignment.

Libraries used:

GLEW- extension loading GLFW- windowing, input GLM- vector/matrix math SFML- audio playback.

Audio tools: Ableton Live, Native Instruments Komplete

I've uploaded a rendered video to YouTube: http://youtu.be/UTJO5Wc7sfw

If you have any questions, please let me know: email: woz.studios@gmail.com

Controls for navigating the scene:

W - Forward
A - Strafe Left
S - Back
D - Strafe Right
Q - Down
E - Up

MouseLeft Click - Rotate Camera (Note: at the moment, free rotation doesn't work quite correctly, due to the way it behaves during the animation)

Space(Hold) - Increase camera movement speed by x2

P - Begin animation

==================== Project Organization

I sorted the project into several filters in Visual Studio. All exisiting code went into the Engine filter. There is a filter for interfaces, a filter for GameObjects, and finally a filter called Game, which is basically all the other logic/utility code.

========== Interfaces

IGameObject - Implemented by all objects that are instantiated in the Scene. Has functions for getting/setting Transform attributes.

IDrawable - Implemented by all objects that are drawn. Has one Draw function that accepts a pointer to a modelviewStack.

IUpdateable - Implemented by all animated objects. Has one Update function that accepts the time passed in seconds from the last frame.

==== Game

Scene - Main container for all GameObjects in the scene. Each frame, iterates over all gameobjects, and updates and draw them as needed.

AnimationManager - holds a pointer to all objects used in the main animation. Controls entire animation, mainly based off of triggers from camera location.

Generators - There are a few generators that all function fairly similar to one another. They generate objects with several random/predefined attributes, and passes them to the Scene.

Camera - Main camera object. Scene passes its locaiton to SetViewMatrix(). It also holds a DummyCameraTarget, which is passed as the target to SetViewMatrix(), and is used for animating the camera movement.

FPSCounter - Displays FPS in console window.

FrameBuffer - Sadly, never actually used in application. It is a wrapper for OpenGL Framebuffers, for post-processing, but I did not have enough time to actually use it.

MathUtils - contains math constants, such as PI, radians/degrees conversions, as well as interpolation functions.

Path - Animation path used for the cars and for the camera (through DummyCameraTarget).

Node - Single keyframe in a Path. The path then cubicly interpolates the inbetween points.

Parametric - Holds parametric functions which are passed into a Bird as a function pointer. Used as the paths for the birds.

Random - Functions that return random numbers within a range.

Textures - Holds macros for all textures used.

Utility - Contains an optimization function, isVisible(), that calculates whether an object is within view of the camera.

=========== GameObjects

I feel as though most of the GameObjects are pretty self-explanatory. The draw functions are usually commented to describe which part of the object is currently being drawn.

Here a few special ones:

Car - An abstract class inherited by SmallCar and SportsCar.

Billboard - A 2D square that is always facing the camera. Used for the trees.

ElectricalBox - In addition to itself, it also creates the sparks used in its explosion.

Skybox - 5 squares that form an inside-out cube, always centered around the camera