New York Cats Game

Netlify Status


Deployed on Binance Smart Chain (TESTNET)



Deployed on Binance Smart Chain (MAINNET)



Tech Stack

Contracts: solidity, truffle, ganache

Front End: react, redux, html, CSS, javascript, react-bootstrap, styled-components, redux-sagas

Testing: mocha, chai, truffle-assertions


  1. Requires an Etherem based wallet like MetaMask

  2. You'll need some test BNB on the BSC (testnet) network. Visit a faucet to get some free test BNB. Make sure you've set your wallet network to BSC Testnet.

  3. Visit the New York Cat Game website.

  4. Make sure your wallet is on the BSC test network. Press the "Connect" button. This will connect the wallet to the app so it can query the blockchain for your kitties.

  5. Head over to the Marketplace to get some kitties! Once you have 2 kitties you can breed them and have kittens.

Academy Kitties DNA

The DNA structure is a 16 digit number with the following breakdown. The Kitten DNA is a random combination of the parent DNA with a chance for a completely random value.

DNA Digits Cattribute Values
00-01 Body Color 10-99
02-03 Accent Color 10-99
04-05 Eye Color 10-99
06-07 Ear Color 10-99
08 Eye Shape 0-7
09 Pattern 0-3
10-11 Pattern Color 10-99
12-13 Pattern Accent Color 10-99
14 Animation 0-4
15 Mysterious 0-7


When parent kitties breed they need time to rest before breeding again. Breed cooldowns are defined below.

Generation Cooldown Name Cooldown Time
0, 1 fast 1 minute
2, 3 swift 2 minutes
4, 5 swift 5 minutes
6, 7 snappy 10 minutes
8, 9 snappy 30 minutes
10, 11 brisk 1 hour
12, 13 brisk 2 hours
14, 15 plodding 4 hours
16, 17 plodding 8 hours
18, 19 slow 16 hours
20, 21 slow 24 hours
22, 23 sluggish 2 days
24, 25 sluggish 4 days
26+ catatonic 1 week

Running the project locally

  1. Have node 12.x installed
  2. Install the Truffle suite globally via npm install -g truffle
  3. npm install to install the project dependencies
  4. You'll need a local ETH blockchain like Ganache. Can use either the graphical interface or the CLI (npm install -g ganache-cli). If using the graphical app create a new workspace and link the truffle config file /truffle-config.js to the workspace.
  5. Deploy the contracts
    1. truffle console
    2. migrate
  6. Copy the KittyContract and KittyMarketPlace contract deployed addresses into /src/components/js/service.js into the static chainIdToAddress variable with ID 0x539 (this is the chain ID for Ganache)
  7. Run the app with npm start and open a browser to http://localhost:3000