
Easy to use permission service which is all handled by itself for both iOS and Android on React Native

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Native Permission Service

React Native Permission Service

npm version npm Platform - Android and iOS License: MIT styled with prettier

React Native Permission Service React Native Permission Service


Add the dependency:

npm i react-native-permission-service

Peer Dependencies

IMPORTANT! You need install them
"react-native-permissions": ">= 2.2.0"



import {
} from "react-native-permission-service";

Location Permission Usage

requestLocationPermission().then((result: string) => {
  if (result === RESULTS.GRANTED) this.setState({ isLocPermGranted: true });

Camera Permission Usage

requestCameraPermission().then((result: string) => {
  if (result === RESULTS.GRANTED) this.setState({ isCameraPermGranted: true });

Gallery Permission Usage

requestPhotoLibraryPermission().then((result: string) => {
  if (result === RESULTS.GRANTED)
    this.setState({ isPhotoLibraryPermGranted: true });

Has All Permission Usage

checkPermissions = () => {
  const {
  } = this.state;
  hasAllPermissionsFunc().then((res: any) => {
    res.map((item: any) => {
      switch (item.type) {
        case "location":
          this.setState({ isLocPermGranted: item.permission });
        case "camera":
          this.setState({ isCameraPermGranted: item.permission });
        case "photoLibrary":
          this.setState({ isPhotoLibraryPermGranted: item.permission });
    if (isLocPermGranted && isCameraPermGranted && isPhotoLibraryPermGranted) {
      // Navigation should be here
      alert("All Permissions are GRANTED!");

Example Project 😍

You can checkout the example project 🥰

Simply run

  • npm i
  • npx pod-install// if you run it on iOS
  • react-native run-ios/android

should work of the example project.

Future Plans

  • Write an article about the lib on Medium

iOS Future Plans

  • App Tracking Transparency Permission Handling
  • Bluetooth Peripheral Permission Handling
  • Calendars Permission Handling
  • Contacts Permission Handling
  • FaceID Permission Handling
  • Microphone Permission Handling
  • Photo Library Add Only Permission Handling
  • Reminders Permission Handling
  • Siri Permission Handling
  • Speech Recognition Permission Handling
  • Store kit Permission Handling

Android Future Plans

  • Accept Handover Permission Handling
  • Access Background Location Permission Handling
  • Activity Recognition Permission Handling
  • Add Voicemail Permission Handling
  • Answer Phone Calls Permission Handling
  • Body Sensors Permission Handling
  • Call Phone Permission Handling
  • Get Accounts Permission Handling
  • Process Outgoing Calls Permission Handling
  • Read Calendar Permission Handling
  • Read Call Log Permission Handling
  • Read Contacts Permission Handling
  • Read External Storage Permission Handling
  • Read Phone Numbers Permission Handling
  • Read Phone State Permission Handling
  • Read SMS Permission Handling
  • Receive MMS Permission Handling
  • Receive SMS Permission Handling
  • Receive Wap Push Permission Handling
  • Record Audio Permission Handling
  • Send SMS Permission Handling
  • Use Sip Permission Handling
  • Write Calendar Permission Handling
  • Write Call Log Permission Handling
  • Write Contacts Permission Handling
  • Write External Storage Permission Handling

Change Log

Change log will be here !


FreakyCoder, kurayogun@gmail.com


React Native Permission Service is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.