
Guide to setup Premium within Discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This guide will explain you how to create a Premium System for your Discord.js Bot.


  • Basic Knowledge of JavaScript/NodeJS
  • Basic+ Knowledge of MongoDB/Mongoose
  • Basic+ experience with NPM
  • Good experience with Discord.js
  • A working connection to MongoDB with Schemas

Discord.js v12 or higher. Nodejs v14 or higher.

Understanding Pathing

/ = Root directory.
. = This location.
.. = Up a directory.
./ = Current directory.
../ = Parent of current directory.
../../ = Two directories backwards.

Get started

Lets get started by installing some dependencies, open your favourite terminal. Run the following Commands in your Terminal.

npm install voucher-code-generator
npm install moment
npm install discord.js@latest
npm install mongoose
npm install node-cron

Close your terminal, we won't need it while coding. The next steps are very easy. Create a folder called schemas, the path would look like this: src/schemas. In there, create a file called Code.js.

We now want Mongoose to store the Data we generate.

// Import mongoose from the NPM Package we've installed before
const mongoose = require('mongoose')

// Generate Premium Code
const premiumCode = mongoose.Schema({
  code: {
    type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.String,
    default: null

  // Set the expire date and time. <Day, Week, Month, Year>
  expiresAt: {
    type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.Number,
    default: null

  // Set the plan <Day, Week, Month>.
  plan: {
    type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.String,
    default: null

module.exports = mongoose.model('premium-codes', premiumCode)

Great. Now we want to do the same for our Users/Members. Create a file called User.js in the same Folder. The path would look like this: src/schemas/User.js

// Import mongoose from the NPM Package we've installed before
const mongoose = require('mongoose')

// The heart of the User, here is everything saved that the User does.
// Such as Levels, Courses, Premium, Enrolled, XP, Leaderboard.
const user = mongoose.Schema({
  Id: {
    type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.String,
    required: true,
    unique: true
  isPremium: {
    type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.Boolean,
    default: false
  premium: {
    redeemedBy: {
      type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.Array,
      default: null

    redeemedAt: {
      type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.Number,
      default: null

    expiresAt: {
      type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.Number,
      default: null

    plan: {
      type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.String,
      default: null
module.exports = mongoose.model('user', user)

Cool. The next step is creating a code generator and a command to redeem them. Let's start with generating a premium code for our users. Go ahead and create a file called generate.js within your commands folder. The path would look something like this: src/commands/subfolder/generate.js

// Import the modules we have installed before.
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const moment = require('moment')
var voucher_codes = require('voucher-code-generator')

// This is our database schema called `Code.js`, the path will be different for you
// remove the whole string and start like the Guide explained at the beginning.
const schema = require('../../database/schemas/Code')

// Here you have to use your handler, I will use mine. Change it to yours!
module.exports = {
  name: 'gencode',
  category: 'Owner',
  description: 'Generates a premium code',
  ownerOnly: true,

  run: async (client, message, args, user, guild) => {
  // As defined in the Schema, leave codes as an empty array variable
    let codes = [];

    // Display available plans of the code
    const plan = args[0];
    const plans = ['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly'];

    // If the user does not send any argument after the Command, return.
    if (!plan) return message.channel.send({ content: `**> Please provide plan**` })

    // If the users input does not match the plans array above, return an error.
    if (!plans.includes(args[0]))
      return message.channel.send(
       { content:  `**Invalid Plan, available plans:** ${plans.join(', ')}`}

    // Calculate time for the code to expire.
    let time;
    if (plan === 'daily') time = Date.now() + 86400000;
    if (plan === 'weekly') time = Date.now() + 86400000 * 7;
    if (plan === 'monthly') time = Date.now() + 86400000 * 30;
    if (plan === 'yearly') time = Date.now() + 86400000 * 365;

    // If the input is for ex. 10, generate 10 Codes. Default => 1 Code / Command.
    let amount = args[1];
    if (!amount) amount = 1;

    for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
      const codePremium = voucher_codes.generate({
        pattern: '####-####-####'

      // Save the Code as a String ("ABCDEF ...") in the Database 
      const code = codePremium.toString().toUpperCase()

      // Security check, check if the code exists in the database.
      const find = await schema.findOne({
        code: code

      // If it does not exist, create it in the database.
      if (!find) {
          code: code,
          plan: plan,
          expiresAt: time
        // Push the new generated Code into the Queue
        codes.push(`${i + 1}- ${code}`)

    // Lastly, we want to send the new Code(s) into the Channel.
      { content: 
        `\`\`\`Generated +${codes.length}\n\n--------\n${codes.join(
      )}\n--------\n\nType - ${plan}\nExpires - ${moment(time).format(
        'dddd, MMMM Do YYYY'
      )}\`\`\`\nTo redeem, use \`!redeem <code>\``}

Perfect. Now our Bot is generating the Codes. We now want to redeem it and save it under our Profile Settings in the Database.

Go ahead and create a file within your commands folder called redeem.js The path would look like this: src/commands/subfolder/redeem.js

const Discord = require('discord.js')
const moment = require('moment')

// Now we are doing the same as before, pathing into the Schemas folder.
// We need the Codes Schema and the User Profile Schema.
// Check the Pathing Guide above and adjust this String to yours.
const schema = require('../../database/schemas/Code')
const User = require('../../database/schemas/User')

module.exports = {
  name: 'redeem',
  category: 'Premium',
  description: 'Redeem a generated premium code.',

  run: async (client, message, args, user, guild) => {
    // Check if the user with a unique ID is in our database.
     user = await User.findOne({
      Id: message.author.id, // if you are using slash commands, swap message with interaction.

    // Check Users input for a valid code. Like `!redeem ABCD-EFGH-IJKL`
    let code = args[0]

    // Return an error if the User does not include any Premium Code
    if (!code)
      return message.channel.send({
        embeds: [
          new Discord.MessageEmbed()
            .setDescription(`**Please specify the code you want to redeem!**`),

    // If the user is already a premium user, we dont want to save that so we return it.
    if (user && user.isPremium) {
      return message.channel.send({
        embeds: [
          new Discord.MessageEmbed()
            .setDescription(`**> You already are a premium user**`),

    // Check if the code is valid within the database
    const premium = await schema.findOne({
      code: code.toUpperCase(),

    // Set the expire date for the premium code
    if (premium) {
      const expires = moment(premium.expiresAt).format(
        'dddd, MMMM Do YYYY HH:mm:ss',

      // Once the code is expired, we delete it from the database and from the users profile
      user.isPremium = true
      user.premium.redeemedAt = Date.now()
      user.premium.expiresAt = premium.expiresAt
      user.premium.plan = premium.plan

      // Save the User within the Database
      user = await user.save({ new: true }).catch(() => {})
      client.userSettings.set(message.author.id, user)
      await premium.deleteOne().catch(() => {})

      // Send a success message once redeemed
        embeds: [
          new Discord.MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle('Premium Redeemed')
              `**You have successfully redeemed premium!**\n\n\`Expires at: ${expires}\``,

      // Error message if the code is not valid.
    } else {
      return message.channel.send({
        embeds: [
          new Discord.MessageEmbed()
              `**The code is invalid. Please try again using valid one!**`,

Perfect. But as you can see, we have a Collection called userSettings within our Code. Lets add it real quick to our Project before we are trying out our new Commands.

Go into your main file index.js / main.js / app.js .. In there, define client with the neccessary intents. Once done, add the following line into your code. *It should be below the client defination!!

client.userSettings = new Collection()

OPTIONAL The next step requires some working brain, try understanding it first before trying it. Go into your message.js file. Define our Schema User and add it into the command. You can also use your own and just integrate the User into it. It's necessary so the bot can separate premium users of normal users.

// Check the guide at the beginning if you don't understand paths.
const User = require('../database/schemas/User')

  // Get the clients commands
  if (cmd.length == 0) return
  let command = client.commands.get(cmd)
  if (!command) command = client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(cmd))

  // If there are commands, set the userSettings to the message author.
  if (command) {
    let user = message.client.userSettings.get(message.author.id)

  // If there is no user, create it in the Database as "newUser"
    if (!user) {
      const findUser = await User.findOne({ Id: message.author.id })
      if (!findUser) {
        const newUser = await User.create({ Id: message.author.id })
        message.client.userSettings.set(message.author.id, newUser)
        user = newUser
      } else return

Awesome. We now want the Bot define the User once going online. Go into your ready.js event. It's where the Bot is booting up.

// Path into your main file where client is defined with the Intents.
const client = require("../../src/index");
// Once again, we need our Database User
const User = require("../database/schemas/User");

client.on("ready", async () => {
  console.log(`Our cool Bot is now online!`);
  // find the User in the Database
  const users = await User.find();
  for (let user of users) {
    client.userSettings.set(user.Id, user);
  // require the premium handler

Awesome. We are one step away! You might have seen a handler called premium in the last code snippet, let's work that out.

Your bot has at least one handler called command.js right? (events is also possible). Go ahead and create a file called premium.js within the handlers folder. The path may look like this: src/handlers/premium.js

// Define the User from our Database Schema
const User = require('../database/schemas/User')
const cron = require('node-cron')

// set the schedule, find the user in the database.
module.exports = async client => {
  cron.schedule('*/60 * * * * *', async () => {
    await User.find({ isPremium: true }, async (err, users) => {
      if (users && users.length) {

        // Set the expire Date and Time for our User + Code
        for (let user of users) {
          if (Date.now() >= user.premium.expiresAt) {

            // Default: The user is not a premium User
            user.isPremium = false
            user.premium.redeemedBy = []
            user.premium.redeemedAt = null
            user.premium.expiresAt = null
            user.premium.plan = null

            // Save the updated user within the usersSettings.
            const newUser = await user.save({ new: true }).catch(() => {})
            client.usersSettings.set(newUser.Id, newUser)

AAAAND BOOM. We are done. You have successfully setup your own Premium System for your Discord Bot. Go ahead and start your Bot. Once online, run <prefix> generate daily.

Generate Code

This will create a premium code that expires in exactly 24hours. Redeem the Code with <prefix> redeem <code>. :)

Redeem Code

You might wonder, how you can strict a command down to only premium Users. I will show you one example, it's very easy.

// Import the User from our Database Schema.
const User = require("../../database/schemas/User");
const moment = require("moment");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

// Change this to your own handler.
module.exports = {
  name: "private",
  category: "💰 Premium",
  description: "Premium only Comamnd",

  run: async (client, message, args, user, guild) => {
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()
    .setTitle("Only Premium!")
    .setDescription("Only premium users can see this :D")
    // Now just include these lines here
    try {
    // Check if the User is premium and send him the "secret" command => only available for premium users.
    if (user && user.isPremium) {
       message.author.send({ embeds: [embed] })
    // if the user is not a premium user, return an error.
    } else {
      return message.channel.send({ content: "Stop. You are not a premium user, I won't show you this." });
    } catch (err) {
        message.channel.send({ content: "Something weird happened, try again later." })

Congrats. You now have a fully working premium system integrated. If you want a live example, check out Cody. I have integrated it there and also used it for the examples here.

Hopefully it helped you to make your bot a little bit better :)