
A payment API for Populstay with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Access to the Stripe API.

node-stripe-payment-api is a RESTful API built with Node.js to perform transaction with Stripe integration


node-stripe-payment-api requires Node.js v6+ and npm installed to run.

First, you need to create a .env file in the root directory. The file contain the public and private keys of your Stripe API:


Run the following command to download all the node dependencies:

    npm install

To start the server:

    npm start

The payment application will be running on port 3000

API calls documentation

Admin required for all routes!


  • GET /balances - List all balances

Bank Account

  • GET /bankAccounts?userID=USER_ID&limit=INTEGER - List all bank accounts

      USER_ID (REQUIRE): The id of the user
      limit (optional): Number of bank_account objects from user to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
  • POST /bankAccounts/ - Create a bank account

      request_body = {
      	user_id (REQUIRED): The id of the user for this card
      	account_number (REQUIRED): The account number for the bank account, in string form. Must be a checking account,
      	country (REQUIRED): The country in which the bank account is located (Ex: US/JP),
      	currency (REQUIRED): The currency the bank account is in. This must be a country/currency pairing that Stripe supports.,
      	account_holder_name (REQUIRED): The name of the person or business that owns the bank account,
      	account_holder_type (REQUIRED): The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either ‘individual’ or ‘company’,
      	routing_number (REQUIRED for US bank accounts, optional otherwise): The routing number, sort code, or other country-appropriate institution number for the bank account
  • GET /bankAoounts/:USER_ID/:BANK_ACCOUNT_ID - Read a bank account

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The ID of the user
      BANK_ACCOUNT_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the bank account
  • PUT /bankAoounts/:USER_ID/:BANK_ACCOUNT_ID - Update a bank account

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The ID of the user
      BANK_ACCOUNT_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the card
      request_body = {
      	account_holder_name (REQUIRED): The name of the person or business that owns the bank account,
      	account_holder_type (REQUIRED): The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either ‘individual’ or ‘company’
  • DELETE /bankAoounts/:USER_ID/:BANK_ACCOUNT_ID - Delete a bank account

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The ID of the user
      CARD_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the bank account


  • GET /cards?userID=USER_ID&limit=INTEGER - List all cards

      USER_ID (REQUIRE): The id of the user
      limit (optional): Number of card objects from user to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
  • POST /cards - Create a card

      request_body = {
      	user_id (REQUIRED): The id of the user for this card
      	card_number (REQUIRED): The number of the credit card,
      	exp_month (REQUIRED): The card's expiration month in two-digit number,
      	exp_year (REQUIRED): The card's expiration year in two- or four-digit number,
      	cvc (REQUIRED): Card security code,
      	name (optional): Cardholder's full name,
      	address_line1 (optional): User’s address line 1,
      	address_line2 (optional): User’s address line 2,
      	address_city (optional): User’s city,
      	address_state (optional): User’s state,
      	address_zip (optional): User’s zip code,
      	address_country (optional) User’s country
  • GET /cards/:USER_ID/:CARD_ID - Read a card

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The ID of the user
      CARD_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the card
  • PUT /cards/:USER_ID/:CARD_ID - Update a card

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The ID of the user
      CARD_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the card
      request_body = {
      	name (optional): Cardholder name,
      	address_line1 (optional): User’s Address line 1,
      	address_line2 (optional): User’s Address line 2,
          address_city (optional): City/District/Suburb/Town/Village,
      	address_state (optional): State/County/Province/Region,
      	address_zip (optional): User’s ZIP or postal code,
      	address_country (optional): User’s billing address country,
      	exp_month (optional): The card’s expiration month in two-digit number,
      	exp_year (optional): The card’s expiration year in four-digit number
  • DELETE /cards/:USER_ID/:CARD_ID - Delete a card

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The ID of the user
      CARD_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the card


  • GET /payments?limit=INTEGER - List all payments

      limit (optional): Number of payment objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
  • POST /payments - Create a payment

      request_body = {
      	amount (REQUIRED): A positive integer representing how much to charge, in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00, or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 USD or equivalent in charge currency,
      	currency (REQUIRED): Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency,
      	customer (REQUIRED): The user_id that will be charged in this request,
      	source (REQUIRED): The card_id or the bank_account_id to be charged,
      	description (optional): An arbitrary string which you can attach to this payment object,
      	receipt_email (optional): The email address to which this charge’s receipt will be sent
  • GET /payments/:PAYMENT_ID - Read a payment

      PAYMENT_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the payment
  • PUT /payments/:PAYMENT_ID - Update a payment

      request_body = {
      	description (optional): An arbitrary string which you can attach to this payment object


  • GET /payouts?limit=INTEGER - List all payouts

      limit (optional): Number of payout objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
  • POST /payouts - Create a payout

      request_body = {
      	amount (REQUIRED): A positive integer in cents representing how much to payout,
      	currency (REQUIRED): Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency,
      	destination_id (optional): The bank_account_id or card_id to send the payout to. If no destination is supplied, the default external account for the specified currency will be used,
      	description (optional): An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users
  • GET /payouts/:PAYOUT_ID - Read a payout

  • DELETE /payouts/:PAYOUT_ID - Cancel a payout



  • GET /refunds?limit=INTEGER - List all refunds

      limit (optional): Number of refund objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
  • POST /refunds - Create a refund

      request_body = {
      	charge_id (REQUIRED): The id of the payment to refund
  • GET /refunds/:REFUND_ID - Read a refund

      REFUND_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the refund


  • GET /users?limit=INTEGER - List all users

      limit (optional): Number of user objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
  • POST /users - Create a user

      request_body = {
      	email (REQUIRED): ‘email@domain.com’,
      	first_name (REQUIRED): ‘FIRST_NAME’,
      	last_name (REQUIRED): ‘LAST_NAME’
  • GET /users/:USER_ID - Read a user

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the user
  • PUT /users/:USER_ID - Update a user

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the user
      request_body = {
      	account_balance (optional): INTEGER,
      	description (optional): ‘DESCRIPTION’
      	email (optional): ‘email@domain.com’,
      	first_name (optional): ‘FIRST_NAME’,
      	last_name (optional): ‘LAST_NAME’
  • DELETE /users/:USER_ID - Delete a user

      USER_ID (REQUIRED): The id of the user



Hoyeung Lai (johnl4112@gmail.com).
