
Access to the Google Map API API.

node-world-address-api is a RESTful API built with Node.js to obtain world address with Google Map API integration


node-stripe-payment-api requires Node.js v6+ and npm installed to run.

First, you need to create a .env file in the root directory. The file contain the public and private keys of your Google Map API:


Run the following command to download all the node dependencies:

    npm install

To start the server:

    npm start

The world address application will be running on port 3000

API calls documentation

Admin required for all routes!

Address Information

  • GET /addressInfo?address=ADDRESS - Find information of an address

      address (REQUIRE): The full address

Auto-complete an Address

  • GET /autocompleteAddress?address=ADDRESS - Get a list of complete addresses of a given address

      address (REQUIRE): Part of address

Obtain Address By Latitude and Longitude

  • GET /getAddressByLatLng?lat=LATITUDE&lng=LONGITUDE - Get a list of complete addresses from given longitude and latitude

      lat (REQUIRE): The latitude of the address
      lng (REQUIRE): The longitude of the address

Get Nearby Information of an address

  • GET /getNearbyInfo?lat=LATITUDE&lng=LONGITUDE&radius=RADIUS&type=TYPE&keyword=KEYWORDS - List all payments

      lat (REQUIRE): The latitude of the address
      lng (REQUIRE): The longitude of the address
      radius (Optional): The radius from the given polint in number, defaul is 1500
      type (Optional): Ex. Restaurant, Hotel, etc
      keyword (Optional): Ex. Stack



Hoyeung Lai (
