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- 069 - How to Create GKE Cluster Using TERRAFORM from Scratch? (GCP Shared VPC | Terraform GCP)
- 070 - EKS Cluster Auto Scaling (Kubernetes Autoscaler | EKS Cluster Autoscaler | EKS Autoscale Nodes)
- 071 - Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (CPU Utilization | Based on Memory | Autoscaling | HPA | EKS)
- 072 - How to Install Prometheus on Kubernetes Cluster? (Helm | Prometheus Operator | Grafana | EKS)
- 073 - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler CUSTOM METRICS & PROMETHEUS: (Kubernetes | EKS | Autoscaling | HPA )
- 074 - Vertical Pod Autoscaling: Example | Metrics | Limits | Vertical Pod Autoscaler | VPA | Kubernetes
- 075 - AWS Serverless Application Model: AWS SAM Tutorial | NodeJS & Python Lambda | API | S3 | AWS SNS
- 076 - How to Build Slack Bot? (Node JS | AWS Lambda & DynamoDB - AWS Serverless | New Slack Apps)
- 077 - AWS Lambda Secrets Manager Example: 2 Ways to Grant Access | Resource Permissions
- 078 - How to Secure Nginx with Lets Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04 with Certbot?
- 079 - AWS EKS & Secrets Manager (File & Env | Kubernetes | Secrets Store CSI Driver | K8s)
- 080 - How to Get Letsencrypt Wildcard Certificate (Using Letsencrypt Nginx DNS Challenge)
- 081 - How to Setup Auto-Renew for Letsencrypt WILDCARD Certificate with DNS challenge?
- 082 - NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Tutorial: YAML & Helm | Example | Prometheus | Grafana | EKS
- 083 - Cert Manager Kubernetes Tutorial (Let's Encrypt & Nginx Ingress & ACME | 5 Examples | YAML & HELM)
- 084 - AWS Point to Site VPN Setup (Free OpenVPN AWS Setup | EC2 | Route53 Private DNS | Ubuntu 20.04)
- 085 - How to Deploy React App on Firebase Hosting? (CI/CD with GitHub Actions | Preview | Custom Domain)
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