
Ansible role to deploy a Django app to Plesk.

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Ansible role to deploy a Django app to Plesk.

Add the role django-deploy.

Required variables

(passed as extra variables):

  • project: Django project name, will also be used as virtualenv name.

Optional variables

(passed as extra variables):

  • loaddata: Set to true in order to load data from conf.data.
  • flush: Set to true in order to flush data before loaddata. Depends on loaddata variable to be true.
  • newrelic: New Relic license key. Omit to skip New Relic. Recommended to add a default in playbook.
  • exclude: Additional pattern to exclude from sync, eg. media/.
  • loglevel: Explicitly define an Apache log level, eg. loglevel=info.

Required Configuration variables

(better to keep in configuration file as shown in examples):

  • conf: A dictionary to help organize variables, containing:
  • conf.app_name: The application name (human description), used in New Relic too.
  • conf.domain_name: Domain name to be used in Apache conf. Omit to skip configure Apache in Plesk.
  • conf.dev_path: The local path of the project, eg ~/workspace/python/myproject.
  • conf.host_path: The remote path, where the wsgi index script lies, eg /var/www/vhosts/subscription/domain.
  • conf.host_user: The remote user to whom to transfer ownership after operations.
  • conf.vhost_conf_path: The remote path, where the apache configuration override (vhost.conf) is located.

Optional Configuration variables

  • conf.name: The application name (machine name), the same as the Python app. Default: {{ project }}
  • conf.python_version: The python version to install (major.minor), default: 3.5.
  • conf.virtualenv_dir: Virtualenvs home directory, default to vars' respective option.
  • conf.compile_msgs: Set to true in order to compile i18n messages.
  • conf.memcached: Set to true in order to clear cache.
  • conf.data: A list of the dump files to load data from, eg [project, auth], omit to skip loaddata. Depends on loaddata variable to be true.
  • conf.limit_request_body: The maximum upload size allowed to Apache. Default: 10MB.


  • conf.wsgi_script: The wsgi script, default: index.wsgi.
  • conf.wsgi_threads: If set mod_wsgi runs in daemon mode (recommended 3-25).

The following are used only for daemon mode:

  • conf.wsgi_processes: If set mod_wsgi runs in multi-process mode (integer).
  • conf.wsgi_inactivity_timeout: Set only for small traffic sites to reset process and reclaim memory (eg. 300).
  • conf.wsgi_max_requests: Set to let process restart after n seconds. Useful if process memory grows large.
  • conf.wsgi_restart_interval: Similar to the above. Only available for mod_wsgi>=v4.5.12.
  • conf.wsgi_graceful_timeout: If any of the above two are set, the number of seconds to expect no requests to restart.
  • conf.wsgi_queue_timeout: If large request queues, drop requests after that many seconds.

Other default variables

  • ansible_user_id: The user id with access to mysql and mysql database.
  • virtualenv_dir: Virtualenvs home directory. Set to false to disable virtualenv. Default: /var/virtualenvs.
  • django_settings: The Django settings module (.py) to run manage.py from, default: settings_live.
  • plesk_server_group: Plesk server group, default: psaserv.
  • plesk_account_group: Plesk account group, default: psacln.
  • sync_opts: Additional options for rsync. Default: exclude .*.

Playbook examples

See the folder examples/:

  • django_deploy.yml: playbook example
  • django_sites.yml: configuration example

Task description

  1. Check that project path in dev as specified in configuration is valid and has wsgi script

    Checks that there is a valid local path specified in django_sites.yml and an index.wsgi exists. Avoids deploying wrong files.

  2. Check if gulp file exists

    So that to execute next step.

  3. Execute gulp

    Execute gulp --production locally.

  4. Set Python executable

    Auxiliary task which sets a variable with the Python executable.

  5. Make virtualenv

    Create a virtualenv if it does not exist.

  6. Check New Relic conf file in source

    Otherwise create from template.

  7. Configure New Relic

    If newrelic is defined configures New Relic.

  8. Open ownership

    Open the target directory ownership to allow file copy.

  9. Build sync options

    Combine the default sync_opts variable with the exclude option.

  10. Sync files

    Syncs files to target directory.

    ⚠️ Make sure that you have synced back user uploaded files in media with manual rsync or use exclude.

  11. Upgrade pip

    Upgrades pip, setup, wheel.

  12. Install pip requirements

    Install requirements.txt in virtualenv.

  13. Set Django admin executable

    Auxiliary task which sets a variable with the Django admin executable.

  14. Set Django admin settings

    Auxiliary task which sets a variable with the custom settings file (default django_settings variable).

  15. Migrate

    Runs migrations.

  16. Flush data

    Flushes data if loaddata and flush are both true.

  17. Load data

    Loads data if loaddata is true.

  18. Collect static

    Runs collect static.

  19. Compile messages

Compiles i18n messages if compile_msgs is true.

  1. Clear cache

Clears cache if memcached is true.

  1. Post deployment script

    Runs an optional post_script.

  2. Close ownership to Plesk account group

    Reset target directory ownership to the appropriate Plesk permissions.

  3. Close ownership to Plesk server group

    Reset target directory ownership to the appropriate Plesk permissions.

  4. Touch WSGI script

    Update the timestamp. If WSGI daemon mode it causes restart of the process at next request.

  5. Configure Apache

Configure Apache to execute the wsgi script using the provided template file. Only executes if a domain_name is provided. If the configuration changes, causes Plesk to reconfigure the domain in the end (notifies handler). If the configuration changes, causes Apache to restart in the end (notifies handler).