memleax crashes the monitored process too - using version 1.1.1-1
lnaras1978 opened this issue · 10 comments
I have been trying to use memleax. Am observing the problem of memleax crashes the targetted/monitored process also after few repetitions of starting and killing the memleax using CTRL+C
I have gone thru the discussions in this regard and suggestion to use version 1.1.1-1 but still seeing the issue.
Please let me know if you have any input in this regard. Following are my system details.
Linux OS10 4.9.110 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-3+deb9u4 x86_64
I saw the following error in console rarely.
Error in open /proc/pid/maps: No such file or directory
There are still some bugs that you can found in issue list.
They are all about multi-thread.
As said in README, memleax is complex and I do not maintain it any more.
While you may try my another tool libleax to debug memory leak, which is much simpler.
If you still prefer memleax, please let me know. Thanks.
Thanks for the reply. Looks like we are hitting one of the following issues in a multithreaded environment. Where the memleax crashes the monitored process too. We are still interested in the current implementation, would like to know if you have any quick patch for the issue so that we shall try and get back.
Sorry, there is no patch. Because it's too complicated, and I think libleak it's better.
Would you like tell me why you prefer memleax to libleak?
I am using this memleax tool in an jvm environment. I monitored the java process for native memory leak detection but the the target process crashing. I need this memleax tool because this tool is excellent in attaching to the process and identifying the memleak and I tried valgrind it is not working. Now memleax is also not working and with the jvm not starting at all. Kindly help in fixing the problem in memleax tool it will be more more helpful. Stress is building in office. Kindly help in fixing the problem of target process crash. still existing in 1.1.1 as well. Kindly let me know what log you need to solve the problem.
libleak is much simpler than memleax. If libleak can not work with jvm, it's likely than memleak can not work with jvm neither even if the current bug fixed.
Whose memory leak do you want to detect? Is jvm itself, or your java programs running on jvm?
It's too hard to fix memleax's bug. I am not able to fix it.
If I could, I would not write libleak.
Both memleax and libleak are useful if you can not modify the target program's source code.
If you can modify it, you may use hooks for malloc.
memleak and libleak may be too naive to work with complex programs such as JVM.