
The Moviebay is a private project in a very early stage. The goal is to create a full featured media server such as Plex or Emby and to learn rust. The backend is written in rust and the frontend is written in JavaScript (VueJS).

IMPORTANT This project will no support any kind of piracy!

This project is far away from stable and is developed in my spare freetime, so updates are infrequent.

What's included

  • ffmpeg is used for live transcoding
  • Scan a local folder for movies, atm only one scheme is supported: Movie Title (2020).{mkv,mp4,avi}
  • sqlite is used to store video meta data such as path, title and so on. Sqlite is not thread-safe so the code exploded a little bit in compexity.
  • tmdb (The Movie Database) is used for lookups to get all the cool data such as images original title and description. For the tmdb stuff you need an API-Key.

Known critical bugs

The process to start the live transcoding with ffmpeg is not good because its a long running block task and I spawn it the wrong way. It's recommandend that long running blocking task should be spawned with spawn_blocking.


  • /movies - Get all movies in the database as json
  • /movies/:id - Get one movie by id as json
  • /stream/:id - Get the live transcoding stream from ffmpeg (file is hardcoded so id doesn't matter atm)


Only tested on Linux

Download ffmpeg binary and put it in the root folder. Put a video file (best is h264 mkv) in the root folder of this project. And change the filename in the code. src/api/

If you don't want to scan a local folder or make any lookups to tmdb you've to comment out src/

Start the backend

Simply hit cargo run

Start the frontend

Follow the instructions for the client.

Start a stream

You the backend and the frontend running, open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/play/111. The id 111 can be replaced by any number it's not used at the moment.