
Primary LanguagePython


  1. The file ‘Get_Move’ is used to process vehicle information including positions and trajectory.
  2. File ‘Global_Par’ is used to record global parameters in simulation.
  3. File ‘Init’ is used to initialize vehicles and the SDVN controller and determine the source nodes and destination nodes.
  4. Files ‘Node’, ‘Packet’, ‘SDVN_Controller‘ are separately used to formulate vehicles, data packets, and the controller in SDVN.
  5. File ‘traffic‘ is used to process junctions and roads.
  6. File ‘Routing_table’ is used to generate and record routing policies. It contains fuzzy fusion and weight-based fusion.

The purpose of this project is to realize a hierarchical routing scheme in SDVN towards various messages flowing in vehicular networks. This project uses the SDVN Controller to collect global network information and generate a routing policy set towards various packet transmission service requirements.