A calculator for the collatz conjecture/hailstone sequence, in various languages!
A learning method and exercise, to help understand and demonstrate the differences between and functionality of a variety of languages, and an opportunity to collaborate.
ideal conditions for the program:
- it should provide the option to manually take input from command line, as well as optionally in the program itself.
- it ideally would add data to an array/list, and then prints that list to the terminal/window.
- for sake of portability, a separate function for calculation would be nice (for sake of portability).
- please do not include a binary! it bloats the repository, and programs should be compiled in the users environment.
Please include a README describing how to build, run, or generally use the program! Thanks!
All programs are released under the MIT License, unless you include a different LICENSE
file in your program's directory.
I'm writing it in the languages I know, try yours!
Even if someone else has already done a program in a language you know, you are still free to do it in that language, as long as there isn't any plagiarism involved.
Please do your work in a subdirectory with your username, etc. Java/oicleevan
. Feel free to submit a pull request!
-- oicleevan