
CPS803 Stock Predictor ML Repository

Primary LanguagePython

CPS803 Stock Predictor

By Jared Rand, Diwei Guan, and Gil Litvak

How to get set up

The following steps are essential to run any code

Please note that all of the code is intended for a Unix or Unix-like environment. Additionally, this project requires the user to have Python 3 installed.

Creating the venv

Run the following command in your favourite terminal:

source create_venv.sh

Activating the venv

Run the following command in your favourite terminal:

source stock_predictor/bin/activate

Training and evaluating a model

NOTE: The following section is used for quickly training the models described in our paper. If you're interested in running the entire pipeline yourself or not using the default settings, see the section Running the scripts below.

For ease of use in replicating our results as described in our paper, we created an automated script called train_full_model.py, which can download data, process said data, train, and evaluate a model for any cluster or the M_A (all-stock) model.

One can use the option -m to choose the type of model to train: vanilla (single-LSTM), stacked, or bidirectional.

For any given cluster, run the following command:

python3 train_full_model.py -c $CLUSTER_NUMBER -m $MODEL_MODE

where $CLUSTER_NUMBER is the number of the cluster, e.g. 1, 2, ...12, and $MODEL_MODE is vanilla (single-LSTM), stacked, or bidirectional.

To use the M_A model, simply omit the -c option, by typing:

python3 train_full_model.py -m $MODEL_MODE

One can find the figures output by evaluation in the directory ./figures/cluster_$CLUSTER_NUMBER (for clusters) or ./figures/M_A for the M_A model.

Running the scripts

NOTE: The following section describes how to run all of the scripts individually. If you're interested in quickly training and evaluating one of the cluster models described in our paper, see the section Training and evaluating a model above.

Downloading data

To download the dataset of a single stock, use the command ./download_data.sh followed by the symbol of the stock you're trying to download. For example, in order to download the Apple Inc. stock (AAPL), run the following command:

./download_data.sh AAPL

This will automatically download the CSV file daily_AAPL.csv to a ./data folder.

Analyzing a stock

To analyze a downloaded stock, run the command analyse_stock.py with a stock symbol. For example, one could run:

python3 analyse_stock.py AAPL

All images would appear in the ./figures directory. One could force the analysis to only use the first 100 days of stock information with the flag -100.

Restructuring your data into model input and output

An important part of training any model is restructuring the data into the model's input (X) and output (y). To restructure the data, run the command split.py with the name of the CSV to be restructured and the desired name of the output file. For example, the command:

python3 split.py ./data/daily_AAPL.csv ./data/AAPL

would result in the creation of a file ./data/AAPL.pkl that would contain both the input and output to the model.

Creating a train/validation/test split

To create a train/validation/test split, use the command make_train_test_split.py. Splitting the AAPL stock into 60% training data, 20% validation data, and 20% test data would look like the following:

python3 make_train_test_split.py ./data/AAPL.pkl -v 20 -t 20

Where the -v and -t options represent the percentage of validation and test data respectively. This command will output the following files:


Creating training data from multiple stocks

Once several stocks have been split into train, validation, and test sets, the datasets of each category can be combined into one using the stitch.py command. For example:

python3 stitch.py ./data/train_stitched.pkl ./data/AAPL.pkl.train.pkl ./data/F.pkl.train.pkl ./data/MSFT.pkl.train.pkl ./data/TSLA.pkl.train.pkl ./data/V.pkl.train.pkl

will stitch together the train files of the AAPL, F, MSFT, TSLA, and V files into a single ./data/train_stitched.pkl file.

Training a model

One can train a vanilla (single-LSTM), stacked, or bidirectional recurrent neural network model with the train.py command. For example:

python3 train.py ./data/train_stitched.pkl ./data/val_stitched.pkl ./models/stitched_100epoch_stacked.h5 -e 100 -m stacked

would train the model on ./data/train_stitched.pkl and validate with ./data/val_stitched.pkl. The model would be saved as ./models/stitched_100epoch_stacked.h5. The -e option denotes how many epochs to run training for, while the -m command tells the script to train a model as described above.

Evaluating a model

One can evaluate a model with the evaluate.py script:

python3 evaluate.py ./models/stitched_100epoch_stacked.h5 ./data/train_stitched.pkl ./data/val_stitched.pkl ../data/test_stitched.pkl -i ./figures/stitched_100epoch_stacked_images -lr -b -bi 5

runs evaluation on ./models/stitched_100epoch_stacked.h5. The script outputs the R^2 scores for ./data/train_stitched.pkl, ./data/val_stitched.pkl, and ./data/test_stitched.pkl. The -i option tells the script to save plots of the model predictions at ./figures/stitched_100epoch_stacked_images (e.g. a file might be saved as ./figures/stitched_100epoch_stacked_images.test.png). The -lr flag tells the script to compare against linear regression. The -b command tells the model to run blind prediction, and the -bi option tells the script to only run blind prediction for 5 iterations.

Computing clusters of stocks

Once all stocks of interest have been downloaded, they can be split into clusters using the command calculate_correlations.py and passing in their stock symbols:

python3 calculate_correlations.py AAPL F V MSFT TSLA

To aid in this, one could print the symbols of all of the stocks in their ./data/ directory using the command:



To make replicating results easier, automation scripts have been included:

python3 automate_split.py

runs the split.py and make_train_test_split.py scripts on all of the files in the ./data/ directory, and

python3 evaluate_automation.py

evaluates all of the cluster models in the ./cluster_data/ directory.