
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Feed The Forge


This is a simple tool to download modpacks from FTB without the need of the FTB Launcher.

You can then import or drag this zip file into any curseforge compatible launcher.

For example: HMCL, PCL2, Prism Launcher etc.



Develop and Build


  • Git
  • Python: 3.8+
  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 or later, macOS, Linux

Running from Source

  1. Install Dependencies:

    • Open a terminal and run:
      git clone https://github.com/Wulian233/FeedTheForge.git
      cd FeedTheForge
      pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run:

    • Windows: python __main__.py
    • macOS and Linux: python3 __main__.py

Package as Executable

  1. Package:
    pip3 install pyinstaller
    • Windows: python -m PyInstaller -F -i PyBuild/icon.ico -n FeedTheForge-Windows --add-data feedtheforge/lang:feedtheforge/lang --upx-dir PyBuild __main__.py
    • macOS: python3 -m PyInstaller -F -i PyBuild/icon.icns -n FeedTheForge-macOS --add-data feedtheforge/lang:feedtheforge/lang __main__.py
    • Linux: python3 -m PyInstaller -F -n FeedTheForge-Linux --add-data feedtheforge/lang:feedtheforge/lang __main__.py
  2. Locate the Executable:
    • For Windows, the executable will be a .exe file located in the dist folder.
    • For Linux and macOS, the executable will be a standalone file in the dist folder.


GNU General Public License v3.0