A Powershell-Script for removing / debloating Windows 10 apps. Mandatory apps which can't be uninstalled via start menu will be removed too.
- alecshanPantheon
- antonizoon@bibanon @BASLQC @yotsubasociety
- ArcherZ8
- averageuser3
- bigbadmosheMoses Computers
- Celoxocis
- Christinemconnor
- crysterbater
- dcgithubNone
- Devon-CrawfordUnited Kingdom
- hieudang9Vietnam
- I-Want-ToBelieve
- itsvlch
- jimbrig@noclocks
- JonnyBananaSappohSamaWorkshop - Circuit Circus
- jorgemachucavJMV
- Kentrow
- Kews
- kubili2013
- Lazy-256
- manual123Department of the Air Force
- markcheno
- markstachowskiWashington DC area
- muzicman92
- nelixmelbourne, australia
- nxet
- petermac-Ohio
- RurouniKenshinReverseBlade
- rusmanager
- seven1oe
- SnowSonic
- tugdualnicolasTugdual
- tvcat
- windyinsc
- WuhDaFak
- WurstCommanderCologne - Germany