
API completa com menos de 50 linhas de código usando dotnet.

Primary LanguageC#


Minimal API with dotnet 6.


  • To create a minimal API use below command: dotnet new web -o DotnetMinimalAPI

You can use dotnet new mvc | razorpages to create templates more robust.

Creating records

C# 9 introduced a new type for data structures, called Record, which allows you to feature objects in simpler structures.

This type is the perfect case for our scenario, as we won't have any behavior here, just data.

In Models/Todo.cs we can see an example of Record.

public record Todo(Guid Id, string Title, bool Done);

Pattern Matching

In Program.cs we can see the method get /v1/todos:

app.MapGet("/v1/todos", (AppDbContext context) =>
    var todos = context.Todos;
    return todos is not null ? Results.Ok(todos) : Results.NotFound();

In the method return we use a new C# feature called Pattern Matching, where I compare todos is not null instead of all != null.

This comparison allows to return Results.NotFound() (404) or Results.Ok() (200).


In the Get method /v1/todos we can see Produces<Todo>. We use Produces to define the type returned by the method, so the swagger will support documentation with Schemas.


  • SQL Lite: dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite
  • EntityFramework: dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
  • FluentValidation dotnet add package FluentValidation
  • Swagger dotnet add package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore