
Helper repository with commands to use Git and Github

Git helper

After install git, we need to configure name and e-mail with below commands:

git config --global user.name "Seu nome aqui" git config --global user.email "seu@email.aqui"

We can change the parameter to --local to configure only for the currently repository.

Most basic commands

Init Git version control in a project directory: git init

Check status: git status

Track files: git add . or for unique file git add <myFileName>

Untrack files git rm --caached . or for unique file git rm --caached <myFileName>

Commit tracked files: git commit -m "My commit message"

Check the list of commits:

  • Custom: git log or git log --graph to more detailed
  • Basic: git log --oneline
  • Detailed: git log -p


We can use the .gitignore file to ignore all files and folders that should not be tracked by git.

We can manually create .gitignore file or user the command git add .gitignore.

Using, update and send data to remote repositories

git remote -v to list all remote repositories.

git remote add <someRemoteName> <NameOrUrlRemoteRepository> to add a remote repository

git remote rename <someRemoteName> to rename the configured remote repository.

git remote set-url <someRemoteName> <NameOrUrlRemoteRepository> to alter the remote repository URL.

git clone <NameOrUrlRemoteRepository> to clone some repo.

below will push your code to the main branch of the remote repository defined with and -u let you point your current local branch to the remote maain branch:

git push -u <someRemoteName> main

git pull will get all updated data from remote repo.


git branch to list branchs.

git branch feature-payment to create a new branch named feature-payment.

git checkout feature-payment change to branch feature-payment.

We can also use git checkout -b <branchName> this will create a new branch and change to it.

To change to a remote branch use git fetch before git checkout -b <branchName>

git branch -d <branchName> to delete a branch.

git branch -D <branchName> to force delete a branch.

Merging branchs

git merge <branchName> to merge currently branch from specified branch. This will create a new commit.

When a merge is created, a screen will be available to edit the text of the commit message in the VIM editor, to save the message we can use :x.

git rebase <branchName> rebase will commit everything from the specified branch without merge.

The problem with rebase is that it changes history, as do other git commands (such as those that take the --hard attribute). For this reason, it is only recommended in very specific cases. Git is not premised on protecting the change history at all costs but, by default, preserving it.

If we try to merge or rebase some branches that have conflicts with our current branch the commit will inform us that there are conflicts. This will generate lines with special characters <<<<<, ====== and >>>>>> to identify conflicting lines in files with conflict.

After resolving the conflicts we should run git commit and git will know that we are done resolving the conflicts.

Using git diff we can see the modifications not commited yet.

...or git diff ea43a88..9a1420c to see the difference between the two commmits specified.


Use git checkout -- <fileName> to undo all changes not committed

...or, if changes have already been added to tracked files with git add use: git reset HEAD <fileName>

This will remove the commit, but the changes will remain in the file and to remove the git checkout -- <fileName> command must be used.

...or, if changes have already been added committed use: git revert <git_hash_id>


With git stash we can safaly store changes to use/recover later.

Use git stash list to list all availables stashes.

To recover a stash use git stash apply 0 where 0 is the number of the stash that will be recovered.

Use git stash drop to remove stash

We can also use git stash pop to recover and delete the stash.

Time traveling

Using git log --oneline we can see git commits hash ids and using then we can see the code at this moment:

git checkout ea43a88

By doing this we will be in code that is not monitored by git, if we want to change it we need to create a branch from it with:

git checkout -b <branchName>

Tags and releases

git tag -a v1.0.0 to create a tag with name v1.0.0

...or git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "My tag message" to create a tag with some message.

git tag list all thags of the currently repo.

After create a tag, we need to push it.


git rebase -i HEAD~4 (change the number of commits as you need)

With this command git will open the default text editor to edit the commits. All commits you want to "merge" should get "squash" in front of them, and the commit you want to keep (usually the first) should be "pick". When saving and closing this file, git will open another one to edit the commit messages, comment out the ones you don't want with "#" and change the text of the message that will keep the way you prefer.

  • If you are using Vim editor press i for enter edit mode
  • After editing the file press ESC : w q

Squash pushed commits

git rebase -i origin/master~4 master

git push origin +master