
Code for the paper: Inductive Learning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

InductivE: Inductive Learning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion (Overview)


In this repo, we mainly provide the following things:

  1. Original dataset for CKG completion. (CN-100K, CN-82K, ATOMIC)
  2. New dataset splits for inducitve CKG completion evaluation. (CN-82K-Ind, ATOMIC-Ind)
  3. Example code to train and evaluate. (Textual feature + GCN (with iterative graph densifier) + ConvE)

For more details, please refer to our paper: Inductive Learning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion published on IJCNN-2021.


All datasets are provided in this Repo.

You can find the five datasets in folder 'dataset_only'. Each dataset contains three files corresponding to 'train', 'validation', and 'test'.

For ATOMIC-related datasets, the triples are organized as 'head-relation-tail'.

For CN-related datasets, the triplets are organized as 'relation-head-tail'.

Example Code to Train and Evaluate



Our model contains several steps:

  1. Extract feature for each node (provided in the following google drive / baidu disk link.)
  2. Model Training and Evaluation
    1. Feature Extractor.
    2. Relational Graph Convolutional Network.
    3. ConvE Decoder for triplet prediction.
    4. Iterative graph densifier to provide more synthetic links for unseen entities.


  • pytorch=1.4.0
  • dgl-cuda10.1
  • numpy
  • transformers=2.9.1

Dataset files and pre-computed embeddings

To run our model, we pre-extract embedding features for each node using BERT and fastText methods. To download the feature files:

Google Drive

Baidu Disk Password: 060u

To reproduce the result on ConceptNet-82K

    bash train.sh conceptnet-82k 15 saved/saved_ckg_model data/saved_entity_embedding/conceptnet/cn_bert_emb_dict.pkl 500 256 100 ConvTransE 10 1234 1e-25 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.0003 1024 Adam 5 300 RWGCN_NET 50000 1324 data/saved_entity_embedding/conceptnet/cn_fasttext_dict.pkl 300 0.2 5 100 50 0.1

To reproduce the result on ConceptNet-100K

    bash train.sh conceptnet-100k 15 saved/saved_ckg_model data/saved_entity_embedding/conceptnet/cn_bert_emb_dict.pkl 500 256 100 ConvTransE 10 1234 1e-20 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.0003 1024 Adam 5 300 RWGCN_NET 50000 1324 data/saved_entity_embedding/conceptnet/cn_fasttext_dict.pkl 300 0.2 5 100 50 0.1

To reproduce the result on ATOMIC

    bash train.sh atomic 500 saved/saved_ckg_model data/saved_entity_embedding/atomic/at_bert_emb_dict.pkl 500 256 100 ConvTransE 10 1234 1e-20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.0001 1024 Adam 5 300 RWGCN_NET 50000 1324 data/saved_entity_embedding/atomic/at_fasttext_dict.pkl 300 0.2 3 100 50 0.1
  • Note that: There is a bug for entity and embedding correspondance. Please refer to: issue1


If you find our model is useful in your research, please consider cite our paper: Inductive Learning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion:

  title={Inductive Learning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion},
  author={Wang, Bin and Wang, Guangtao and Huang, Jing and You, Jiaxuan and Leskovec, Jure and Kuo, C-C Jay},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09263},
  title={Inductive Learning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion},
  author={Wang, Bin and Wang, Guangtao and Huang, Jing and You, Jiaxuan and Leskovec, Jure and Kuo, C-C Jay},
  booktitle={International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)},