
Primary LanguageTypeScript


A library to make interacting with DynamoDb simpler with a typed interface.

Typescript ESLint Prettier


Get Started

Create a definition for your table

export const simpleTableDefinition = defineTable(
    identifier: 'string', // Notice the quotes around the type
    text: 'string',
  'identifier', // Partition Key (This must be one of the keys defined above)

Build a client for the table

const myTable = TableClient.build(simpleTableDefinition, {
  tableName: 'tableName',
  client: documentClient,
  logStatements: true // Logs all interactions with the table

Start interacting with the database with types

await myTable.put({ identifier: 'id', text: 'some text' }); // This object must match the definition above
const result = await myTable.get({ identifier: 'id'}); 
// typeof result.item is {identifier: string; text: string}


All examples can be found in the examples directory in this repository.

An example table for using these examples can be found in examples/example-table.ts

Scan Table

// Scan Table
const {member, next} = await tableClient.scan();
// typeof member = {identifier: string; make: string; model: string; year: number; colour: string}[]
// use next to paginate by passing in as argument to scan

// Filter results
// Get all cars in the year 2000
await tableClient.scan({filter: compare => compare().year.eq(2000)});

Get Item

// Get Item (Partition Key and Sort Key)
await tableClient.get({make: 'Tesla', identifier: '<identifier>'});

// Get Projected Item
const result = await tableClient.get({identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla'}, {projection: projector => projector.project('model')});
// typeof result = {model: string} | undefined;

Put Item

// Put Item
await tableClient.put({identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla', model: 'Model S', year: 2022, colour: 'white'});

//Put Item Return overwritten item
const result = await tableClient.put(
    {identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla', model: 'Model S', year: 2022, colour: 'white'},
    {returnOldValues: true}
// typeof result.item = {identifier: string; make: string; model: string; year: number; colour: string}

// Conditionally Put Item if doesn't already exist (throws ConditionError)
await tableClient.put(
    {identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla', model: 'Model S', year: 2022, colour: 'white'},
    {condition: compare => compare().notExists('identifier')}

Delete Item

//Delete (requires Partition Key and Sort Key)
await tableClient.delete({identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla'})

Query Items

// Simple Query against Partition
// Get all Cars with make 'Tesla'
await tableClient.query({make: 'Tesla'});

// Query and Filter
// Get all Nissan Cars in the year 2006
await tableClient.query({make: 'Nissan', filter: compare => compare().year.eq(2006)});

// Query an Index using KeyConditionExpression
// Get all Nissan Cars with a model beginning with '3' and order backwards
await tableClient.index('model-index').query({
    make: 'Nissan',
    model: sortKey => sortKey.beginsWith('3'),
    dynamo: { ScanIndexForward: false }

// Filter with between
// Get all Nissan Cars between 2006 and 2022
await tableClient.query({make: 'Nissan', filter: compare => compare().year.between(2006, 2022)});

// Combining Filter Comparisons (and / or)
// Get all Nissan Cars between 2006 & 2022 AND with colour 'Metallic Black'
await tableClient.query({
    make: 'Nissan',
    filter: compare => compare().year.between(2006, 2007).and(compare().colour.eq('Metallic Black'))

// Projection
// Get only model and year
const result = await tableClient.query({make: 'Tesla', projection: projector => projector.project('model').project('year')});
// typeof result.member = {model: string; year: string}

Update Items

//Update Model S Tesla by setting the year to 2022 and deleting the colour (undefined means delete)
await tableClient.update({key: {identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla'}, updates: {year: 2022, colour: undefined}});

//Atomic Addition
//Update by incrementing the year by 1 atomically, if it doesn't exist set it to 2020, also set model to 'Another Model'
await tableClient.update({key: {identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla'}, updates: {year: 1, model: 'Another Model'}, increments: [{key: 'year', start: 2020}]});

//Return Old Values
const result = await tableClient.update({key: {identifier: '1234', make: 'Tesla'}, updates: {year: 2022, colour: undefined}, return: 'ALL_OLD'});
// typeof result.item = {identifier: string; make: string; model: string; year: number; colour: string}