
A wrapper for the ChampionGG API.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A wrapper for the ChampionGG API.


Using NPM,

npm install cGG

Then, you can require it in your file as such:

const cGG = require("cGG")
// Don't forget to initialize it in a variable!
// For now, we'll use 'api' for the documents.
const api = new cGG("insert-your-key")


It's as simple as using the methods provided and then fulfilling the promise to use. Note: These descriptions are taken directly from the ChampionGG website.

  • champions()
    • Parameters: (Optional Tags)
    • Optional tags include one or more of these:
    • "limit": Integer
    • "skip": Integer
    • "champData": 'kda', 'damage', 'minions', 'wins', 'wards', 'positions', 'normalized', 'averageGames', 'overallPerformanceScore', 'goldEarned', 'sprees', 'hashes', 'wins', 'maxMins', 'matchups'
    • "sort": parameter-direction
    • "abriged": Boolean
      • Returns a list of champions/roles that are played over the minimum threshold (at least 1000 games and at least 11% playrate in the role). Please note that there's a valid entry for each valid champion/role combination, so the results are more than the number of champs in the game.
  • matchupsByRole()
    • Parameters: Integer: championId, String: role, (Optional Tags)
    • "skip": Integer
    • "limit": Integer
      • Returns matchups for a specific champ in a specific role.
  • matchupsByChamp()
    • Parameters: Integer: championId, (Optional Tags)
    • "skip": Integer
    • "limit": Integer
      • Returns matchups for a specific champ.
  • averagesByChamp()
    • Parameters: Integer: championId, (Optional Tags)
    • "limit": Integer
    • "skip": Integer
    • "champData": 'kda', 'damage', 'minions', 'wins', 'wards', 'positions', 'normalized', 'averageGames', 'overallPerformanceScore', 'goldEarned', 'sprees', 'hashes', 'wins', 'maxMins', 'matchups'
    • "sort": parameter-direction
      • Returns a list of roles played by a specific champion that are played over the minimum threshold (at least 1000 games and at least 11% playrate in the role).
  • generalSiteInformation()
    • Parameters: (Optional Tags)
      • Returns general site information.
  • overall()
    • Parameters: (Optional Tags)
      • Returns overall performance champ data sets (as in ChampionGG landing page)

ChampionGG Documentation

To some, the documentation provided by ChampionGG may seem a bit confusing. As someone who was just as confused, I'm here to dumb it down for you.

Optional Tags:

The optional tags that are usable in each of these may include ones such as "champData", "elo" and others.

limit: is a the number of results to retrieve. Inserting 10 means you get 10 pieces of data in the response.

skip: is the amount of results to skip. Again, inserting 10 means you skip 10 pieces of data.

elo: is pretty obvious. You get the response based on which leagues you insert. Note: You cannot request specific responses for DIAMOND, MASTER, or CHALLENGER.

champData: refers to the filters put on the response. Each tag you add on to this parameter will lessen the filter. For example, adding the kda, damage, and minion filters will only give you reponses related to those.

sort: This one confuses me quite a bit. Help me out here :D

abriged: Same here. I'll more than likely take any description.