Resource Container (RC) Media Downloader

This tool supports downloading media content to the given resource container and update the urls with respect to the resource container itself.

Library Module Usage

Add this custom maven repository

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Add this to your dependencies (Gradle):

implementation 'org.wycliffeassociates:rcmediadownloader:1.1.3'

Finally, in your code:

val urlParameter = MediaUrlParameter(projectId, mediaDivision, mediaTypes, chapter)
// this will return a new RC file
val file =, urlParameter, DownloadClient()) 

// or you want to overwrite the original RC file
val file =, urlParameter, DownloadClient(), overwrite = true)

// Download project cumulatively (keep other projects in resource container)
val file =, urlParameter, DownloadClient(), singleProject = false, overwrite = true)

CLI/Terminal Usage (Java 11+ required)

Run the .jar executable file with the following arguments:

-rc <PathToRC> Path to your resource container (either .zip file OR directory)

-pid <ProjectId> Project Identifier (usually book slug)

-md <MediaDivision> Media Division ("book" OR "chapter"). e.g. -md book

-mt <MediaTypes> Media Type could be wav/mp3/png... separated by comma if more than one. e.g. -mt wav,mp3

-ch <ChapterNumber> Specify chapter number or default to all chapters

-sp <SingleProject> Limits media manifest to contain at most one project

-o <Overwrite> Option to overwrite the original resource container


  java -jar rcmediadownloader.jar -rc /path/to/rc -pid gen -md chapter -ch 10 -mt wav -o