
University project for Web and mobile applications programming

Primary LanguagePython

AlPaczka (AlPackage)

General info

Flask web application for modern package delivery system.

P4 Setup

A) Heroku

This application is deployed on Heroku: https://alpaczka-p4.herokuapp.com/.

To run the command line app for couriers, you need to create cli/.env file with auth0 api parameters:


Then can run the application and connect with API on Heroku using bash script:

$ ./run-cli.sh heroku

B) Docker-compose

Easy way

If you want to use auth0 login, you need to create .env file with auth0 parameters:


Then add SSL certificate: web/cert.pem, web/key.pem.

When running the application for the first time, provide secrets for api and web. Next time just run the script with no arguments.

$ ./run-docker-compose.sh [web secret] [api secret]

Now you should be able to access web application:

The command line application for couriers requires cli/.env file:


To start the app for couriers:

$ ./run-cli.sh local

Hard way

If you don't want to use the scripts, create .env files from 'easy way', and then add environment variables for api and web containers. In the project folder execute commands:

$ echo "WEB_SECRET='[your secret]'" >> .env
$ echo "API_SECRET='[your secret]'" >> .env

Then run application with docker-compose:

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Now you should be able to access web application:

To run the app for couriers execute commands:

$ docker build cli/ -t alpaczka-cli
$ docker run --network="host" -it alpaczka-cli http://localhost:8001

Older releases

P2 Setup

Create .env file with secret key for Flask:

$ echo "SECRET_KEY='[paste your key here]'" > .env

Then run the application with docker-compose:

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Release P2 is also deployed on Heroku: https://alpaczka.herokuapp.com/.