
A collection of custom folder icons for (Mac, Linux and Windows)

MIT LicenseMIT

OS Folder Icons 📂


Collection of custom folder 📂 icons for MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

What folder icons would you want

Hey, guess what? I am open to suggestions 😉 so you can just let me know what icons you would like?

How to ask for a Folder Icon


  • Drop us a message 💬 here.

How to use

Just download the repository, and you can find all the images in icons folder.

Inside each category you will find three folders, linux, windows and mac.

How to change folder icon on Linux

  • Right-click on a folder and select "properties".

  • On properties window click on the framed icon located on the top left, Now you should see the dialog to choose a new image.

  • Pick an icon from this collection located under linux folder

How to change folder icon on Windows

  • Right-click on a folder and select "properties."

  • Choose the "Customize" tab, on the "Folder icons" section click on "Change Icon".

  • Pick an icon from this collection located in windows folder


How to change folder icon on Mac

  • Right-click on a folder and select "Get Info"

  • Drag and drop an icon from the mac folder (.icns) on the icon preview located on Top left of the Get info dialogue.



The collections are sorted Alphabatically 🔤.


Amazon Apple Audible Autocad Autocad Behance Deezer Dropbox Facebook Flinto Fontawesome Github Googledrive Illustrator Invision Netflix Netflix Netflix PayPal Photoshop Principle Slack Soundcloud Spotify Steam Steam Trello Tripadvisor Uxpin Uxpin Vimeo Vine Visa Wordpress Youtube Youtube Youtube


Angular Brew CSS Solid 1 CSS Solid 2 CSharp Git HTML Solid 1 HTML Solid 2 JavaScript Solid 1 JavaScript Solid 2 JavaScript Solid 3 Java Jenkins Laravel Less Mongodb Mongodb Npm Python React Ruby Sass Vue.js


Amex ApplePay Bills Bitcoin Etherium Litecoin


Playstation Xbox

Operating System

Android Linux Windows

Social Media



Docker Vagrant VMware

Project Management

Agile Project Planning Project Planning Project Planning Project Planning Reports Reports Reports


Recipes Screenshots Travel


Agile Development

Our Kanban board

Wee what our we currently working on by visiting our online kanban board.

Throughput Graph

Throughput Graph


We try our best to design and draw the svg images but some are taken from exisiting projects (Why reinvent the wheel?).

  • Special thanks to the Awesome "FontAwesome" project. (Some Brands Icons are taken from there)

Similar Projects on Github

After starting this project I found that there is a similar project by Vigo Krumins called folder-icons which contains icons for Mac 💻.

Make sure to have a look at this project too 👍.


Icon and Image License

  • Applies to all .png, .icns and .ico files in the following directory: icons
  • License: MIT License

Brand Images

  • All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners.

  • The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by OS Folder Icons (Amin Shariati and Sarah Ghanbarzadeh), nor vice versa.

  • Brand icons should only be used to represent the company or product to which they refer.

  • Please do not use brand logos for any purpose except to represent that particular brand or service.