
The resource pack for WynnLab: The Wynncraft resource pack brought to Minecraft 1.16, both Java and Bedrock.

This resource pack is going to feature all new textures since 1.13. All textures from the inital commit are copyright by Wynncraft.


You're welcome to contribute to this resource pack. You should probably know how to test a resource pack (tip: just clone it in the Minecraft resource pack folder). If you want to, you can build the resource pack using the scripts. But don't include that in your commits.

Until we have a CONTRIBUTING.md, here guidlines: Keep the style of the Wynncraft resource pack. Do not add inappropiate textures. Feel free to propose changes to textures we made. Not the Wynncraft textures.

For further information, join our Discord server.


This repository contains a license. Because the Wynncraft resource pack doesn't have a builtin license, we can't include it. As stated above, Wynncraft has copyright over the files in the first commit.

This resource pack is used for the WynnLab project that aims to port Wynncraft to 1.16 (and beyond). Feel free to take a look at our other repositories.

If there are any questions left open an issue.