------------------------ What this is? -----------------------------------------
A website for Aura Incorporated labeled as "Create" that is to serve
as an administrator page for the user and his/her organizations. It is to display information on beacons and objects in a highly interactable way.
----------------------- How to Run? --------------------------------------------
Run the auraCreate.html file to open the website.
----------------------- Frameworks and Libraries -------------------------------
-google maps api
-toggle switch library
----------------------- Runthrough of the Website ------------------------------
1. Once a user logs into their Create account, the Dashboard will display
a brief overview of their profile.
2. There is a list of all the organizations a user is associated with as
well as their objects, and beacons.
3. The content portion of the screen is dyanmic using the ng-switch property
in angularjs. All the content, whether it be beacons, objects, stats, settings, etc will be displayed on this "live updating display".
4. Objects and beacons are displayed in a table and each individual one can
be examined more closely.