
Scaffold / POC for a containerized Spring Boot app using multi-stage builds. Includes Docker image for running and building via Jenkins locally.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Jenkins Declarative Scaffold, with Dockerized Sprint Boot Sample App, Using Multi-Stage Builds for Building

This repo containers 4 examples, working together but usable separately:

  • Jenkins pipeline with Docker Pipeline plugin With the introduction of the Pipeline plugin, users now can implement a project’s entire build/test/deploy pipeline in a Jenkinsfile and store that alongside their code, treating their pipeline as another piece of code checked into source control.

  • Jenkins in a container, using host Docker to have Jenkins in a container build containers, the container only runs the CLI and connects back to the host to start sister containers (not Docker-in-Docker)

  • Spring Boot scaffold, containerized

  • Multi-stage build of Spring Boot pattern

Set up your app to be run in a pipeline

Jenkins can be added to any projects with a Jenkinsfile. This scaffold provides a basic one that does the key steps: build the app in the container, test, and if successful, push the image.

  1. Build Step The Jenkinsfile will build your app per your Dockerfile, or you can tweak it (i.e. using docker-compose).

  2. Testing Step The Jenkins file has a test section in order for you to trigger your test suite.

  3. Push Image If the tests pass, the next step will run which is typically to push the image. Update this with your repo and credentials (which can stored and be pulled from Jenkins credentials, etc).

Run Jenkins locally in a container to run a pipeline

  1. Run Jenkins locally in via the specified image It will use your host's Docker Engine so Jenkins can run Docker but does not need its own engine in the Jenkins container.
docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd):/var/jenkins_home -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jareddlc/jenkins-with-docker-socket
  1. Log into Jenkins The console output will provide an access key if its the first time you're starting a container with Jenkins. Use that key when logging in for the first time.

Browse to Jenkins, running on https://localhost:8080.

  1. Set up Jenkins with your job To tell Jenkins about your job, create a pipeline job, and point to your repo and Jenkinsfile.

Running the Spring Boot app

Starter for building and running a Spring Boot app via Docker with multi-stage build.

  1. Build & Run the app using a multi-stage build:

    To build the app with Docker Compose, run:

    docker-compose up

    To build the app using an official Gradle container, run:

    docker run --rm registry.hub.docker.com/library/gradle:4.2-jdk8-alpine gradle build && java -jar build/libs/hello-spring-boot-0.0.1.jar
  2. Test with: curl localhost:8080


You can have Jenkins pull from a local repo if you pull it into a subdirectory off the Jenkins home directory, such as, file://$JENKINS_HOME/apps/vis-scaffold-pipeline-declarative-springboot

You can build & run the Spring Boot app with the Gradle image directly, with this command,

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project registry.hub.docker.com/library/gradle:4.2-jdk8-alpine gradle build && java -jar build/libs/hello-spring-boot-0.0.1.jar

Jenkins Multistage Pipeline information


  • The pipeline is called vis-case-processing-etl on VDM Jenkinks - you can search for on the desired environments.
  • Pipeline config stored in project repo - Jenkinsfile
  • Builds each branch on check-in
  • Each branch has its own environment including schemas
  • Pipeline is running job in a container

Each push triggers a build

- Branch builds are added/deleted when a branch is added/deleted to GitHub (polls every minute)
- Time your pushes!
- You get your own schema - one for each branch. It is removed when the job completes. Master's schema is not deleted so it can be inspected (its schemas are prefixed with master_).
- Possible to filter by branch namme wildcards, i.e. only build *-feature


- Polls for new/removed branches, and branch changes every 1 min (setting)
- Polling happens at multibranch job level
- Builds changed branches, adds new ones, deletes removed ones
- Can push several times without triggering build if before the minute is up

Tech specs

- Jenkinsfile
    - Provides MIGRATE_ENV and schema name with branch name prefixed
    - Steps:
        - Main job: uses Docker to run /bin scripts
        - Tests: uses a Gradle image to run tests via bin/tests (uses test image - Gradle base)
- Runs in a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline job
    - Jenkins job generation
        - /pipeline/jobs/jobsdsl.groovy
        - Configures multibranch pipeline
        - USCIS Jenkins generator points to it`
        - Multibranch SCM polling

Running Jenkins locally

You can use the provided Jenkins image with the needed plug-ins dependencies installed, to run Jenkins locally to develop pipelines without relying on the remote Jenkins.

To build and run the Jenkins container:

  1. Run docker-compose -f containers/jenkins/docker-compose.yml up -d --build

  2. View the output with docker logs <CONTAINER>, and get the access code in the console output, and put that into localhost:8080 to log in.