
Repo containing terraform for deploying the resources required by a Hoss server when deployed in AWS

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Repo containing terraform for deploying the resources required by a Hoss server when deployed in AWS

Note, currently this just deploys all the required resources. You must still manually configure the server.

Example Usage

Terraform will recognize unprefixed github.com URLs and interpret them automatically as Git repository sources. You can use this repo directly as shown below:

# Get the latest ubuntu AMI ID
data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
  most_recent = true

  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server-*"]

  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]

  owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical

# Add the hoss server module
module "hoss-server" {
  source = "github.com/gigantum/terraform-hoss-aws"
  server_ami_id = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id

  vpc_id = "vpc-1234"
  subnet_id = "subnet-1234"

  buckets = [{
      "hos-default-bucket" = {name = "hos-default-bucket", versioning = "enbaled"}

  server_domain_name = "hoss.my-domain.com"
  server_instance_type = "m5.large"
  server_key_name = "prod-key"
  ssh_cidr_block = ""
  region = "us-east-1"



Name Description Type Default Required
vpc_id ID of the VPC in which the server instance should be deployed string null yes
subnet_id ID of the subnet in which the server instance should be deployed string null yes
buckets A set of buckets to create to use for Namespaces in the Hoss server. At least 1 bucket is required.
The field name is the desired name of the bucket to create and use. The field versioning is a boolean indicating if bucket versioning should be turned on
map(object) null yes
server_domain_name The FQDN that will be used to resolve the server string null yes
server_ami_id AMI ID to use when creating the server instance string null yes
server_key_name Name of the keypair to use when creating the server instance string null yes
server_instance_type The desired instance type to use for the server string t3.large no
server_iam_instance_profile IAM instance profile to assign to the server. Note, the Hoss does not use this profile directly yet, but loads credentials from configuration. This is primarily used for instance management. string null no
server_private_ip Private IP to assign to the server instead of an automatically assigned IP. string null no
server_volume_size_gb Size of server root volume in GBs string 48 no
ssh_cidr_block CIDR block from which ssh will be allowed string null yes
region Region into which non-global resources will be deployed string us-east-1 no
tags Additional tags to apply to created resources map(string) {} no
tags_instance Additional tags to add to created instance map(string) {} no
security_group_ids Additional security groups to add to created instance list(string) {} no


Name Description
api_notification_queue_name Name of the API notification FIFO queue. Set the settings.queue_name field in a core.queues entry to this value
buckets List of buckets to be used for Namespaces
bucket_event_queue_arns ARNs for bucket event queues (one created for each bucket created). Set the notification_arn field in a core.object_stores entry to this value
sts_role_arn ARNs for the STS credential role. Set the role_arn field in a core.object_stores entry to this value
server_ip_public Public IP of the server.
server_ip_private Private IP of the server.
server_id ID of the server
server_security_group_id ID of the security group used with the deployed server. Useful if running behind an ALB and need to allow traffic to the instance.

Using Versioned Buckets

It is generally recommended to enable versioning on your buckets to protect against accidental deletion. Currently the Hoss and hoss-client library do not directly expose object versions, but this could be easily done if interacting manually with S3.

If bucket versioning is enabled, you'll likely want to set up lifecycle polices to prevent versions from stacking up and deleted objects from sticking around.

A recommended configuration is to have two policies. The first removes all non-current versions except for the latest one. This prevents versions from collecting and increasing storage cost. The second removes all non-current versions and expired delete markers. If a delete marker has no non-current versions it is expired and will be removed with the policy is evaluated again. More details on how to configure these policies can be found in the Hoss admin docs