Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


XCASH_ALL_Miner is a universal Stratum pool miner. This miner supports CPUs, AMD and NVIDIA GPUs and can be used to mine XCASH.

XCASH_ALL_Miner hash 0% dev fee.



  • support all common backends (CPU/x86, AMD-GPU and NVIDIA-GPU)
  • support all common OS (Linux, Windows and macOS)
  • easy to use
    • guided start (no need to edit a config file for the first start)
    • auto-configuration for each backend
  • open source software (GPLv3)
  • TLS support
  • HTML statistics
  • JSON API for monitoring


You can find the latest releases and precompiled binaries on GitHub under Releases.

Creating config file

If you dont have any config files, it is best to let the software generate them for you. To do this, run the software with no options

#1 It will first ask you for a local port on your computer, to run the http server to allow you to check your stats on another device on your network.

8000 is usually a good port to use.

#2 Then it will ask you for a pool address:port

#3 It will then ask for the wallet address you want to mine to

#4 Next it will ask for the password. You usually can put x here

#5 Now it will ask for the Rig identifier, which you can leave empty

#6 It will now ask if you want to use SSL

#7 It will now ask if you want to use nicehash

#8 It will now ask if you want to configure a backup pool

At this point, let it generate the config files, and then when it says connected to pool you can close the software.

Changing settings

You will now have a pools.txt file. This file will allow you to change your address and pool at any time

You will now have a cpu.txt file. This file will allow you to change the settings to try to get the best performance for your CPU.

You might have a nvidia.txt file. This file will allow you to change the settings to try to get the best performance for your NVIDIA GPU.

You might have a amd.txt file. This file will allow you to change the settings to try to get the best performance for your AMD GPU.


  • To mine using all avaible components for your machine

  • To mine using only the CPU
    XCASH_ALL_Miner --noAMD --noNVIDIA

  • To mine using only an NVIDIA GPU
    XCASH_ALL_Miner --noCPU --noAMD

  • To mine using only an AMD GPU
    XCASH_ALL_Miner --noCPU --noNVIDIA



#1 If you want to mine using AMD, you will need to download the AMD drivers
Once downloaded, unzip the file and then cd into the folder. Then run
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && ./amdgpu-pro-install --opencl=legacy,palclear
Press y to install the packages.

#2 If you want to mine using NVIDIA, you will need to install CUDA toolkit
Choose the .DEB file
Once downloaded run
sudo dpkg -i cuda*.deb
It will say the cuda key is not installed, so run the command it gives and then run
sudo dpkg -i cuda*.deb && sudo apt update && sudo apt install cuda && export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.0/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}

#3 Clone the repo and build a static build (remove export AMDAPPSDKROOT=/opt/amdgpu-pro/ && cmake -DOpenCL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ . if not using AMD)
git clone https://github.com/X-CASH-official/XCASH_ALL_Miner.git && cd XCASH_ALL_Miner && export AMDAPPSDKROOT=/opt/amdgpu-pro/ && cmake -DOpenCL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ . -DCMAKE_LINK_STATIC=ON -DXMR-STAK_COMPILE=generic . && make install && cd bin


#1 If you want to mine using AMD, you will need to download the AMD drivers
You will also need the OCL-SDK

#2 If you want to mine using NVIDIA, you will need to install CUDA toolkit

#3 Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/X-CASH-official/XCASH_ALL_Miner.git && cd XCASH_ALL_Miner

#4 Build
Close the command prompt window and naviagte into the XCASH_ALL_Miner folder
Then open a new command prompt window and run
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64 -vcvars_ver=14.11

The run the following to build (replace DIRECTORY_FOR_PRECOMPILED_BINARIES with the directory where you unzipped the precompiled binaries)
mkdir build && cd build && set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=DIRECTORY_FOR_PRECOMPILED_BINARIES\hwloc;DIRECTORY_FOR_PRECOMPILED_BINARIES\libmicrohttpd;DIRECTORY_FOR_PRECOMPILED_BINARIES\openssl && cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T v141,host=x64 .. && cmake --build . --config Release --target install && cd bin\Release && copy C:\xmr-stak-dep\openssl\bin\* .