
This is a Shopping app built using Django.This can been integrated with autonomous navigation for remote delivery

Primary LanguagePython

Project Title

The project is built with the intentions to learn basics of Django.The project is implemted using Django 2.2.4


  • Git
    For Linux
sudo apt install git-all

For Windows install git Bash


Setting up Django

Run tese commands in terminal/command prompt

Create directory shop

mkdir shop

move to shop

cd shop

create virtual env

python3 -m venv myvenv

activate the eniviroment

source myenv/bin/activate

Install Django

pip3 install Django~=2.2.4

Setting up th project

Clone it

git clone https://github.com/yashk2000/Shopping-Cart.git

set it up

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver




This uses a buit libarary model User to authenticate and authorize the user


Product list

Shows the product list

Product details

Shows the product details if you click heading

Add to cart

Addes the product to cart to calcuate sum
Before After

Delete form cart

deletes unwanted product
Before After

Add Product

Addes new product to the inventory
Adding form New list