
PowerShell Wrapper for the SSL Labs Assessment API

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Azure DevOps coverage (branch) Azure DevOps tests PowerShell Gallery (with prereleases) PowerShell Gallery

PowerShell Wrapper for the SSL Labs Assessment API


For each merge to the branch master a beta release will be deployed to PowerShell Gallery. Periodically a release version tag will be pushed which will deploy a full release to PowerShell Gallery.


You can get the latest release of the SSLLabsScanPS module on the PowerShell Gallery

Install-Module -Name SSLLabsScanPS


Invoke a new assessment of a website and produce a summary HTML report

$hostData = Invoke-SSLLabsScanAssessment -HostName www.mwam.com -StartNew -All Done
ConvertTo-SSLLabsScanHtml -EndpointData $hostData.endpoints

Retrieve a cached assessment of a website and produce a summary HTML report

$hostData = Invoke-SSLLabsScanAssessment -HostName www.mwam.com -FromCache -All Done
ConvertTo-SSLLabsScanHtml -EndpointData $hostData.endpoints

Retrieve a cached assessment of a particular host of a website and produce a summary HTML report

$endPointData = Get-SSLLabsScanEndpointData -HostName www.mwam.com -IPAddress '' -FromCache
ConvertTo-SSLLabsScanHtml -EndpointData $endPointData

The default location of the summary HTML report is the user's Documents folder, with a file name of <hostName>-SSLLabsScanReport-<yyyyMMdd-HHmmss>.html


For a full list of functions in SSLLabsScanPS and examples on their use, check out the SSLLabsScanPS wiki.

Change log

A full list of changes in each version can be found in the change log.



SSLLabsScanPS is licensed under the MIT license.