
A C++20 SQLite wrapper

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A single header C++20 SQLite wrapper.



slate::db database("file.db");


db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 10, 2.5, "a string");

// Or (if PFR is available)

struct S { int a; double b; std::string c; };
S val = {10, 2.5, "a string"};
db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", val);


for (auto [a, b, c] : db.execute("SELECT a, b, c FROM table").fetch<int, double, std::string>()) {
    std::cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << std::endl;

// Or (if PFR is available)

struct S { int a; double b; std::string c; };
for (auto s : db.execute("SELECT a, b, c FROM table").fetch_value<S>()) {
    std::cout << s.a << " " << s.b << " " << s.c << std::endl;


int count = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table").fetch_single_value<int>();


db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", s);
db.rollback(); // No rows added
db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", s);
db.commit(); // One row added

try {
    slate::scoped_transaction scoped(db);
    db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", s);
    throw std::exception{};
} catch (std::exception& e) {} // No rows added

    slate::scoped_transaction scoped(db);
    db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", s);
} // One row added

NULL values

db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a) VALUES (?)", std::optional<int>(10)); // Inserts INTEGER
db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a) VALUES (?)", std::optional<int>()); // Inserts NULL

for (auto opt : db.execute("SELECT a FROM table").fetch_value<std::optional<int>>()) {
    if (opt.has_value()) {
        // INTEGER
    } else {
        // NULL

Custom serialization/deserialization

class my_int
    my_int(int val) : m_val(val) {}
    const int& get() const { return m_val; }

    int m_val;

namespace slate {
    template <>
    struct serializer<my_int>
        static int to_sql(const my_int& v) {
            return v.get();

        static my_int from_sql(int v) {
            return v;

db.execute("INSERT INTO test (a) VALUES (?)", my_int(10));
db.execute("SELECT a FROM test").fetch_single_value<my_int>();

Custom functions

db.declare("pow", slate::function::pure, [](double base, double exp) {
    return std::pow(base, exp);

db.execute("SELECT pow(?, ?)", 5, 2).fetch_single_value<double>(); // 25.0

Input/Output Types

SQL Input Output
INT Any integral type Any integral type
REAL Any floating point type Any floating point type
TEXT Convertible to std::string_view std::string
BLOB Convertible to std::span<T>, where T is trivial std::vector<T, Allocator>, where T is trivial
NULL std::nullopt_t N/A

Type conversions

By default, Slate will never perform any type conversions between database values and requested output types, and will throw an exception if they don't match. To allow type conversion, choose a different conversion policy in the fetch methods.

db.execute("INSERT INTO table (a) VALUES (?)", std::nullopt);
int no_convert = db.execute("SELECT a FROM table").fetch_single_value<int>(); // Throws
int converted = db.execute("SELECT a FROM table").fetch_single_value<int>(slate::convert::on); // 0

Custom functions

SQL Arguments Return value
INT Any integral value Any integral type
REAL Any floating point type Any floating point type
TEXT std::string_view Convertible to std::string_view
BLOB std::span<const std::byte> Convertible to std::span<T>, where T is trivial
NULL N/A std::nullopt_t

Much like the rest of Slate, custom functions may accept and return std::optional<T> to represent T or NULL. Unlike the rest of Slate, custom functions may also accept certain std::variant types - slate::any can be used as an argument type, which is a variant of all possible input types, and any variant of valid return types is also a valid return type. Also unlike the rest of Slate, function arguments are always converted to the required type.

Slate currently only supports custom scalar functions.


Slate requires a C++20 compliant compiler. Aggregate serialization/deserialization requires PFR (either Boost or non-Boost). Tested on GCC 11.2 / Ubuntu 21.10.