🌀An addon for node.js, which supporting output performance log and real-time profiling through sampling.
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- 14
[RFC] 设计一致性哈希 + 分布式的 Sqlite 方案替换掉 Mysql 服务
#232 opened by hyj1991 - 1
- 2
[RFC] 内存视图增加 glibc 信息
#241 opened by hyj1991 - 2
[WIP] linux 下增加 ptmalloc 的配置缓解 rss 无法回收的情况
#237 opened by hyj1991 - 4
[BUG] 演示链接已经无法打开
#236 opened by atom-7 - 1
Error after upgrade Node.js from 18 to 20
#235 opened by jusfeel - 2
Node 20.x支持不?
#233 opened by oliverzy - 1
[WIP] 🔥 增加对 Python 的支持
#228 opened by hyj1991 - 1
[WIP] 进程趋势 / 系统数据走服务端下发,方便自定义展示数据
#227 opened by hyj1991 - 30
xprofiler coredump导出的文件andb识别不了
#223 opened by CreatedFromZhang - 0
[WIP] 增加 HTTP profiling
#213 opened by hyj1991 - 1
[WIP] 在 TakeSnapshot 时支持动态扩大堆内存上限
#127 opened by hyj1991 - 2
[WIP] coredunmp 工具功能更新
#191 opened by hyj1991 - 0
[RFC] 进程(异常)退出前尚在执行中的采样立即结束
#195 opened by hyj1991 - 1
[RFC] 生成 Node.js 格式的诊断报告
#189 opened by legendecas - 11
[WIP] 纳入对 epoll 一轮循环耗时的监控
#143 opened by hyj1991 - 8
#190 opened by ChenAlmost - 4
#165 opened by XiaocongDong - 2
xprofiler_binary_host_mirror 使用yarn安装,是否可以加速
#187 opened by cnmission - 0
[WIP] 基于 perf_hooks 重构 http 相关性能数据记录逻辑
#155 opened by hyj1991 - 4
feature request: 自定义.profiler文件的位置
#185 opened by TooBug - 4
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[WIP] 记录 expired 请求详细信息
#180 opened by hyj1991 - 2
[RFC] 指标输出 API
#166 opened by legendecas - 1
[WIP] Follow 上游 LTS 版本
#106 opened by hyj1991 - 5
[WIP] 支持 worker threads
#120 opened by hyj1991 - 25
#179 opened by yunnysunny - 3
[WIP] 集成 google coredumper
#169 opened by hyj1991 - 1
[WIP] 补上 darwin-arm64 预编译 binary,适配 M1
#156 opened by hyj1991 - 2
Error logs when installing egg-xtransit
#157 opened by windmemory - 3
[WIP] 提供 linux-arm64 预编译包
#126 opened by hyj1991 - 4
作者为什么不考虑使用n-api 开发binding层呢?
#150 opened by liSong5713 - 2
feature: 作者是否考虑支持自定义日志formatter
#149 opened by liSong5713 - 1
#144 opened by stardustman - 2
[RFC] 快照在内存毛刺时的自动 Dump 机制
#102 opened by hyj1991 - 3
#123 opened by zezhipeng - 7
#119 opened by hcfw007 - 11
考虑用 n-api 替代 nan,增加预构建过的 addon 产物
#111 opened by oyyd - 1
[WIP] .cpuprofile 格式序列化为 devtools 新版本以支持 vscode 分析
#108 opened by hyj1991 - 1
[WIP] 增加 cpu_180 和 cpu_300
#110 opened by hyj1991 - 3
配置了log_dir 但是控制台页面显示的地址还是默认的
#109 opened by KingDracula - 1
#85 opened by cxtom - 0
[WIP] Record linux open files for this process
#89 opened by hyj1991 - 0
[RFC] 启动阶段分析报告
#107 opened by hyj1991 - 1
Use timestamp instead of time format
#79 opened by hyj1991 - 15
#82 opened by zhangwinning - 5
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#80 opened by uknowzheng - 1
Add package-lock.json into repo
#77 opened by AvailCat