
Primary LanguagePHP

gifv short code for WordPress

Provides a [gifv] shortcode to display videos in a gif like fashion in WordPress.

Hows it different from the [video] shortcode:

  • Loop is on by default
  • Autoplay is set true
  • Controls are hidden
  • Audio is muted
  • Can have multiple videos on at the same time
  • No external JavaScript included


Basic usage:

[gifv width="250" height="250" webm="http://clubmate.fi/content/uploads/man.webm"][/gifv]

Usage with mp4 fallback:

[gifv width="250" height="250" webm="http://clubmate.fi/content/uploads/man.webm" mp4="http://clubmate.fi/content/uploads/man.mp4"][/gifv]

If you upload videos to WP and insert them to the post, they will be inserted using the [video] shortcode, just change video to gifv.

Note that WP nor this plugin doesn't handle gif > video conversion, you have to do that yourself. See my blog post about it.

Note worthy things

I recommend using WebM as a format, it open source and quite alright. But, mp4 has a wider browser support, so it's up to you. Or use WebM and mp4 as a fall back.