Nokia Bell Labs Project repo containing both unity project and required ROS packages
Clone into local workspace
. Build and source. -
Open the unity project Omron_LD60 from the Unity Hub. Using editor version 2020.3.30f1.
Launch the TCP endpoint on the ROS side with
roslaunch ros_tcp_endpoint endpoint.launch
. -
Press the play button to run the scene in the Unity Editor.
Open up RVIZ with
roslaunch omron_ld60_description load_description.launch
Use teleop twist keyboard to move.
The lidar script is added as a component of the upper_laser
The publishing rate can be set in the inspector window.
Note: Decreasing publishing period (increasing update rate) is not guaranteed to reflect in simulation. In the event that the actual publishing rate lags behind the set publishing rate this warning will be visible in the console window.