
App use Parse server Api and Udacity Api to let user log in and add his location and his website on Apple map !

Primary LanguageSwift


3nd App at Udacity iOS NanoDgreee

App use Parse server Api and Udacity Api to let user log in and add his location and his website on Apple map !

This project focused on working with Networking and GCD

  • Making Network Request (Get , Post , Put , Delete)
  • Using a web serves
  • Parsing JSON file using Codable (Decodable , Encodable)
  • Asynchronous Requests
  • Authentication Requests
  • MVC Pattern with Network (Create Cleaner Code)
GCD and Queues


  • This app need Free Account from Udacity website to use it

The idea :

The idea of this project is login using Udacity account , The map will show recently data where other students location . Then user can also add a his location by adding a pin (via long tap on the map) on the map after that he/she can clicking on + button to add his website link . after clicking finished button it will save on Parse server . when user can also clcik on other pins to open the website to browser . you can also see recently data from the server on the Tableview .