4nd App at Udacity iOS NanoDgreee This app is the last app in Udacity iOS Nanodgree .
it's using Mapview with CoreData and Flickr API to display images depends on Pin Location !
- Working with UserDefult
- The Coredata Stack
- NSFetchedResultsController
- Mapkit
The idea of this project is user can add many pins on the map then when click on any pin it will open another page , if the location has a photos on Flickr website it will download the photos and display them on CollectionView and also save it on Coredata , it there is no photos it will display a message "no photo" . user also can remove any photo by click on it and tap a delete button . also use can download new collection . and becuase photos saved on coreData if the app closed and re-open the photo will display immediately without need to download it again .